Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,55

gritty and rough. Worried.

I tilt my head up to look at him. “Yeah.”

He grips my jaw and kisses me softly. “Just because I don’t want to talk about this thing between us to the school and everyone else for Roux’s sake doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy every second of it.”

“I get it.” And I do. I really do. It still stings, especially after Lucas and everything with my dad.

He pulls me to him for a hug. Being naked in his arms feels so damn right. “I’ll make it up to you.”

“How’s that?”

“I’ll take you out.”

My head snaps up to look at him. “Like on a date?”

“Don’t guys date?” he asks, frowning.

“I guess. I mean, I’d like that.” I chew on my bottom lip for a second. “Lucas and I never went on a date.”

His eyes flash with anger. “Lucas is a dumbass. I’m taking you out like he should have.”

“How come you never took Sidney out?”

He steps back and glowers at me before tossing my clothes at me. Pain stabs inside my stomach at his sudden mood change.

Why did I ask him that?

Because we’re in a relationship that involves dates. I thought we could talk about everything. Quickly, I dress while he puts on a pair of gray sweats and nothing else. If I weren’t feeling unwanted at the moment, I’d most definitely attack him with my mouth for looking like such a goddamn snack.

“Right, so bye,” I grit out, turning my back on him.

He stalks over to me, his arms going around my middle. I’m pulled against his chest as he nuzzles his nose in my hair.

“I don’t date. The girls I’ve been with were just for a night of fun. I didn’t like them. Not like I like you.”


So I’m special to him.

That most certainly takes away the sting.

“I wasn’t trying to piss you off,” I tell him, my hands resting on his that are holding on to me. “She’s my friend and she’s got some self-esteem issues. I was just wondering.”

“I know.” He sighs. “I’m not used to this. Opening up to people. Jordy and the guys know me best, but even then, we don’t just openly talk about our feelings often. I feel…exposed.”

“Whatever we talk about is ours,” I murmur. “I’m safe to talk to.”

He twists me around and pins me to the door with his hips. In way of apology, he kisses me until I’m dizzy. It takes another worried phone call from Mom to tear us apart for good.

“Call me,” he growls. “When you get home. So I know you made it safe.”

I smirk at him. “You still owe me a breathy phone call. You couldn’t get out of that, even if you tried.”

“Go before I drag you back to my bed.”

“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”

His warning glare sends me on my way with a chuckle.

“What are you doing?”

Roan lets out a heavy sigh over the phone that goes straight to my dick. “Trying to figure out what to make besides grilled cheese. I’ve been told I’m a lame ass cook.”

“I know it’s not tutoring day with my aunt, but you could always come over here.”

“I wish,” he murmurs, “but I already promised the guys we’d hang out tonight. I need to check in on Jordy.”

It’s been three days since I blew him in his bed, and it’s been strained ever since. Not between us. The hiding. I can tell, at school, he wants to haul me to him, but he always refrains from doing what we both want. Plus, he’s worried about his best friend. Jordy hates me, so it’s not like I can even chill with them. So, for the time being, Roan and I have to keep our relationship a secret, even hiding it from his friends.

“I miss you,” I state, hating the whine in my voice. We’ve stolen kisses in the bathroom at school, and at my house on Wednesday when he and Roux were there. But other than that, we haven’t had another opportunity alone.

“Are you coming to Campfire Chaos tomorrow night?”

“I don’t want to.”

“I won’t let him hurt you. I swear, Hollis.”

I believe him. I would just rather have him to myself. If we go there, we’ll be separated. I’ll go off with Sidney and Gio while he and the Hoodlums hang together. It’ll be torture watching him all night and not getting to touch him.

“I know. We’ll see.”

“I can already tell when you’re pouting,” he teases.

“To be honest, I don’t want to see you all

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