Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,54

smile. “I’m going to put my finger inside you.”

“Well, do it already.”

He’s grumpy because he’s afraid.

“Demanding,” I tease, licking at his tip. “I’m in charge right now. So lie there and hush.”

His scowl is somewhat playful until I take him deep into my throat. As soon as his hips thrust up, I push into his body. He lets out a string of strangled curse words, his ass tight around my finger. Slowly, I ease into him, seeking out his prostate. I know the moment I touch it because he cries out. Such a sweet, vulnerable sound from a hard, often mean boy.

My name is whimpered on his lips as his salty cum shoots abruptly into my mouth. I keep massaging his prostate until his dick ceases twitching, swallowing down each jet of cum. His hips stop flexing up and he lets out a ragged breath. I slip off his dick and grin.

“What do you think?” I waggle my brows at him.

He grabs my biceps and hauls me up to his mouth. His tongue is curious and probing as he kisses me, tasting his remnants on my tongue. We grind together as we kiss. He grows hard again, which feels good against my dick.

“Hollis,” he murmurs, fingers biting into my hips to urge me to move against him. “I like this. I like you.”

I nip at his bottom lip. “Me too.”

His dick is hot and still slick from my mouth, so it feels really damn good rubbing against it. The sounds coming from him are erotic and ones I want on repeat in my head. It only takes a few moments of our desperate kissing and rubbing for us both to come. We soak Roan’s chest, which makes him laugh.

“What sort of fucked up shit have you pulled me into?” he teases, his eyes hooded and smile lazy.

I relax against him, not at all concerned about the cum that’s slick between our chests. “You started it.”

“Me?” he scoffs. “I was fine until you rolled up being all peppy and shit.”

“Someone has to be the happy to your grumpy. Jordy sure as hell isn’t.”

His brows furl. “He’s going through some shit. Friday was…it won’t happen again.” His fingers stroke through my sweaty hair.

“I sure as hell hope not,” I mutter. “That river was fucking cold.”

“He’s stressed and overprotective of Roux and me. His lines got blurred.” His amber eyes sear into mine. “It’s not an excuse, just a reason. I’ll do a better job of keeping him in check.”

“He still hates me. You saw how he was at school today.”

“Jordy hates everyone pretty much.”

“Well, he’s going to have to get over his hate toward me,” I tell him with a grumble. “You’re mine now and he’s bound to learn that sooner or later.”

“Yours?” Roan laughs. “I barely know you and now you’re claiming me?”

“That’s my cum all over your stomach and I did just suck you dry.” I smirk at him. “By definition, I think I’ve claimed you properly.”

My phone starts ringing in my jeans, effectively killing the moment. He frowns as he watches me bolt to answer it.


“Did you get lost?” Mom asks.

“Studying. Roan and I had an assignment due and he didn’t finish his.”

“Hey now,” he groans, tossing a pillow at me.

Mom, having heard him, chuckles. “Glad you’re having fun, but you should probably let them get to bed. It is a school night.”

I roll my eyes. “Sure thing. I’ll be home in a few.”

After hanging up, I let my eyes rake over Roan’s naked, muscular form. He looks like a Roman god sprawled out on his bed. A statue sculpted from granite painted to look real. His dick is flaccid but still fucking beautiful as it lies on his lower stomach that’s still wet from our cum. His bicep muscle bulges when he bends his arm and lays his head on it. I want to lick him. I want to crawl up his body and lick every salty inch. Even his armpit. The dark hair there is masculine, and I bet smells uniquely him.

He’s an addiction I’ll never break.

My stomach tightens with nerves and I tear my eyes from his. It’s going to kill me. Wanting him. Caring for him. Being with him. I feel it in my bones. The bed squeaks and then he pads over to me, a towel in his hand. He cleans me off and then himself before tossing it to the floor. It’s still damp, probably from his morning shower.

“You okay?” His voice is

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