Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,53

eyes flash with barely contained hungry lust. “You’re definitely not ready. Maybe one day we’ll get there.” He rewards me with an evil grin that makes my dick pulse. “I could suck you off, though.”

Holy fuck.

I’ve had my dick sucked plenty of times, but never by a guy. And never by someone who looks like they’d blow their load just for a taste. It’s a temptation I can’t ignore.

“Let’s go,” I growl out as I stand, pulling him up with me.

He bites back a laugh as I haul him to my room with me. As soon as I get the door closed and locked, I’m on him. I start tugging at his clothes, eager to see him naked. He’s just as greedy, ripping off my hoodie and shirt all at once. His fingertips slide down my abs, making me shiver, and then he’s frantically working at my belt. The moment his hands shove down my boxers, I lose all sense of reality.

I want him.

I want him so fucking bad.

“Lie down.” His voice is commanding and deep. Fuck if I don’t want to obey.

Dropping onto the bed on my back, I stare up at him, my dick weeping for attention and hard as stone. He pushes down his own boxers and fists his impressive cock. The sight of him is such a fucking turn on. Sure, he’s lean because he never eats a goddamn thing, but he’s also muscular from basketball. His chest hair is sparing and golden. It’s darker blond around his dick. I want to bury my nose there and inhale him.

What the hell has gotten into me?

Have I been into guys all along?

Is that why girls are just fucking meh to me?

All this time I thought I was broken inside. That I couldn’t love properly or be interested in another person. Truth is, I’ve been looking at the wrong sex. Because when I look at Hollis, I crave him like nothing I’ve ever wanted before. My mouth waters and my dick throbs. For him. Just a taste. To feel his skin on mine. Whatever he gives me.

“I like the reversal of power,” he says with a wicked glint in his blue eyes as he kneels on the bed.

“You’re the one who’s gonna suck my dick,” I tease back.

His smile becomes predatory. “You have a lot to learn, man. When your dick is in my mouth, I’m in charge.”

He spreads my thighs, making me feel ridiculously exposed. His eyes take in my twitching dick, heavy balls, and now my ass. A smile tugs at one side of his lips.

“You just going to look at it all day or do something about it?” I challenge, hating the bout of nerves that have suddenly consumed me.

His gaze softens as he grips my dick. “If you don’t like it or want to stop, just tell me. I won’t force you.”

Now I feel like an asshole.

I reach forward and run my thumb over his mouth. “I want it. I’m just…fuck, I’m nervous, okay?”

He bends, his blue eyes locking on mine. “I’ll take care of you.” With those words, he flicks out his pink tongue and licks the tip of my dick. I suck in a sharp breath of air.

“Holy fuck.”

He grins before taking me into his mouth. I’m staring down at a guy as he bobs up and down my length with better skills than any girl I’ve been with. My fingers latch onto his hair and I try desperately not to fuck his mouth. When he massages my balls, I nearly lose it.

“Jesus, Hollis,” I hiss out. “You’re going to kill me.”

He pops off and then sucks on his middle finger. “I’m about to. This shit will blow your mind.”


I’ve only ever been with one guy. Lucas. And he never looked at me the way Roan is looking at me right now.

His eyes are wide and trusting.

I can tell he’s nervous by the way he bites on one corner of his bottom lip, but he’s also aroused. The red blush on his cheeks and groans coming from him are evident of that. His taste is exactly how I’d imagined. Salty. Masculine. Unique. I’m going to suck him dry. Make him realize just what he’s been missing until he met me.

Taking him deeper in my throat, I make sure to keep my eyes locked on his golden-brown ones. With my wet fingertip, I tease at the puckered hole of his ass. He clenches, fear shining in his eyes.

I pull off his dick and

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