Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,59

dark until I find them. As much as I want to sheathe my dick, slap some lube on it, and shove it inside him, I don’t. I’ve missed him this week. So I take my time kissing him. Our kisses grow more fervent and soon I’m rubbing my dick against his. I love every hiss and sharp breath of pleasure he takes. Gripping my dick, I slide it along his ass crack.

“I’ve never done anal before,” I tell him. “I’m, uh, experienced sexually, but not there. Can we do it like this?”

“We can do it however you want,” Hollis murmurs. “This first time, I want to be able to kiss you. I’d like it this way.”

Face to face.

I’d assumed gays just fuck doggie style, but I guess with the right maneuvering it, you could do it at any angle.

“We’ll do it this way then. I want to kiss you too.”

He takes the lube from me and I can hear the cap pop open. I busy myself with rolling a condom on. His hand finds my dick as he strokes lube onto it. Then, he moves his hand between us.

“What are you doing?”

“Fingering my ass to get ready for you.”

“Fuck, Hollis. You kill me.”

“You kill me too,” he says, a smile in his voice. “My fingers feel good, but you’re going to feel so much better.”

My dick aches to be inside him. I reach between us, my hand covering his as he fucks his own asshole. Since my fingers are still lubed up, I slide my finger between his two, joining him. He groans and slides them out. His body tightens around my finger. Fuck, he’s going to feel so good.

“Stretch me, Roan,” he orders. “Your one little finger isn’t doing shit. Have you seen how big your dick is?”

I groan and ease another finger inside him. His body stretches to accommodate me. Then, I push another one inside, despite the hiss he makes.

“Does that feel good?” I murmur. “When I fuck you with my fingers?”

“Hell yeah.”

“You want my dick, though, don’t you?”

“God yes.”

“Beg for it.”

“Please, Roan.”

Jesus, he’s so fucking hot.

Sliding my fingers out, I grip my dick and then press the tip against his hole. We both moan when I push into him. Slowly. So fucking torturous.

“You may think I’m made of glass, but I won’t break,” he taunts. “Fuck me like you’ve missed me.”

I seek out his mouth and buck my hips, loving how his body clenches around my dick so tightly I see stars. He feels good. Really fucking good. I nip at his lip and thrust again. Hard enough to make him yelp.

“Mine,” I murmur against his mouth. “So fucking mine.”

It’s the truth.

I’ve never felt so goddamn possessive over anyone in my life. Like if I fuck him hard enough, I’ll get to claim him forever. How is it a boy I barely know has stolen every part of my soul?

“Yes,” Hollis breathes. “Fuck. You feel so fucking good.” He groans. “Roan, touch my dick. I want to come with you in my ass.”

His words are dizzying, and I greedily yank at his dick. We’re frantic and messy, both of us eagerly racing to the finish line. I know when he’s close because his ass tightens around me and he lets out a small cry of pleasure. It sends me over the edge, forcing my orgasm out of me without warning. I groan against his mouth as my dick pumps into him. It makes me hate the condom, wishing I could fill him up without a barrier. His heat soaks my hand as I jack him off. The thought of him inside my ass, doing the same, is both terrifying and exciting.

I fall against him, my mouth latching onto his neck. It’s bruised from the last time I sucked him here, and I don’t relent. I bite and nip on my now favorite part of him because it’s a silent claim to the world. Mine.

“You just going to keep your dick in there forever?” he teases, his breaths coming out in pants.

“Yep. I’ll just get hard and fuck you again.”

“You wear me out.”

“I’m just getting started, rat. Can’t wuss out on me now.”

He laughs. “You have to let me catch my breath, rat lover.”

My dick twitches inside him. “Nah, I kind of like you breathless.”

His moan is loud when I drive my hardening dick deep into him.

“I want to fuck you bare. One day will you let me?”

“I’ve only ever been with Lucas. You could do it

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