Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,5

We have basketball practice after school and then I have to haul ass to my after school job. Mondays and Wednesdays are always long ones. And now that winter break is over and I’m no longer on vacation, I’m back to work this week.

Ms. Frazier’s door opens and Terrence storms out. I lift my chin at him. We fist bump as he walks by, neither of us saying a word. He’s pissed, though. When Ms. Frazier sees me, she lets out a heavy sigh.

“It wouldn’t be a Monday if I didn’t see all my favorite Hood River boys,” she grumbles. “Were you involved with the vending machine incident?”

“Nope.” I pop the ‘P’ in an obnoxious way that makes her nostrils flare.

“What then?” she demands. Her eyes drift over to Hollis, who’s gone quiet, and she gives him a concerned smile. “Everything going okay?”

He shakes his head, briefly looks over at me, and then forces a smile. “I got kicked out of class.”

Ms. Frazier blinks several times in confusion. “Why?”

“I cursed in class.”

Her face turns red with anger. “And why did you curse in class?”

His eyes dart my way and then he looks at his feet. “I don’t know.”

Ms. Frazier sees right through bullshit, though, and doesn’t believe him. “Roan,” she barks out. “What happened?”

I clench my jaw and shrug.

“Both of you. In my office now. You both know me well enough to know I’m not going to let this go until I have answers.”

How the hell does rich boy know?

It’s his first damn day.

With a huff, I rise to my feet and stalk past her into her office. I plop down in a chair. Hollis takes the one beside me. Where I’m all sprawled out and uncaring, he sits rigid and straight like he’s here for a fucking Harvard interview. Unbelievable.

Ms. Frazier glares our way as she takes her seat. Without missing a beat, she launches into her lecture. “I won’t stand for disrespect at my school. Mr. Henley is fair and only asks that you show up, shut up, and do your work. It’s not that hard. Hollis, you excel at math. The fact you’re getting kicked out of algebra on your first day is uncharacteristic for you.” She hardens her eyes at me. “Roan, what happened?”

I would get mad and accuse her of blaming me of being the perpetrator, but I know better. Ms. Frazier is one of the few people who cares about me. Mom sure as hell doesn’t. Ms. Frazier wants my account because she trusts me with the truth.

“Henley wanted me to do a problem, but I didn’t know how to do it,” I admit with a grumble. “Then he got pissy.”

“And how did Hollis get involved?”

For just fucking being there.

Annoying me.

Looking perfect and rich. Reminding me I’m not.

“I pushed his bag off his desk.” I challenge her with an evil stare.

Her brows crash together. Disappointment. Fuck. I’m screwing this all up. I can’t get on Ms. Frazier’s bad side. She’s too important to my family.

“And you cursed for that reason?” she asks Hollis.

“My laptop is in there,” he says bitterly. “It’s expensive and it’s probably ruined.”

Tattletale. His words boil my blood.

“Fuck off, rat.”

“Roan!” Ms. Frazier bellows, slapping her palm on the desk. “Enough of this.”

I curl up my lip and give Hollis a look of disdain before turning to regard Ms. Frazier with a cool expression. “I’m sorry.”

She rolls her eyes. “No, you’re not. But you’ll be sorry if you have detention.”

I wince at her words. She’s right. I can’t get detention. Detention is after school. I can miss basketball, because even though I love it, it’s not a requirement. My after school job is.

“Listen,” she says, leaning forward. “I need you to be someone Hollis can turn to. He’s new and doesn’t have anyone yet.”

Hollis groans in embarrassment. “Aunt Karen—”

“What?” I snap, frowning at her.

Her lips thin out. “Hollis is my nephew. He doesn’t gain favor because he’s family. You of all people know I’m fair, Roan.”

She’s right, but it’s still annoying as hell.

“I’m not going to give you detention with your friend Terrence, though he could certainly use the help cleaning off the horrible words he wrote on the vending machine,” she tells me. “You have basketball…and everything else.” She lets out a heavy sigh. “I need you to remember to stay focused, okay?”

I let out a defeated sigh. “I get it.”

“You’re not like him.” Her eyes sear into me, but I don’t believe them. I’m more like my father than she’ll

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