Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,4

got mixed up on where I was supposed to go.”

“Not a problem, young man. Find a seat.” Mr. Henley waves him off as he goes back to his equation.

The new guy—Hollis—glances around the room, looking for a place. Our eyes meet and he freezes, his smile slightly falling. He quickly darts his blue eyes away from mine and rushes to the seat in front of Sidney. She must find him cute—or the prospect of making me jealous—because she leans forward and taps him on the shoulder.

I’m still glaring at him when Mr. Henley says my name.

“Mr. Hirsch,” he says again, finally dragging my attention to him.


The whole class sniggers.

“Don’t what me? I want you to come solve this problem.”

I stare at the board in irritation. Fuck no. I don’t know how to do that shit.

“Pass,” I grumble.

“Which is exactly what you won’t be doing if you don’t get up here and attempt this problem.”

Hollis glances over his shoulder at me, a frown on his face.

“Look somewhere else,” I snap.

He jerks his head around, but I don’t miss the way his neck blazes crimson.

“That’s enough,” Mr. Henley grumbles. “Apologize to this young man.”

I snort. “No.”

“Son, I will not have you—”

“I am not your son.” I pin Mr. Henley with a dark glare that has him taking a step back.

He huffs in exasperation. “Get out.”


“Hirsch, I said go,” he barks. “To the office. Now.”

I stand with an exaggerated sigh and storm up the aisle. The preppy new fucker has some fancy bag on his desk. For some reason, I make a stupid decision my dad would be proud of and shove it off the side of the desk.

“What the fuck?” Hollis howls.

“Both of you!” Mr. Henley yells. “Out of my class. I will not tolerate these disruptions.”

I cast an amused look over my shoulder at Hollis. His features go from angry to surprised to horrified. I’m quite pleased with myself by the time I make it into the hallway. It’s stupid to continually get kicked out of class, but it sure beats doing the schoolwork. I start down the hall and then footsteps follow after me.

“My laptop is in my bag,” Hollis tells me snippily as he approaches.

I turn on my heel and glower at him, forcing him to stop right in front of me. “So?”

“So, it’s expensive.”

It annoys the fuck out of me that he’s barely been at this school half a day and I’ve already encountered him flaunting his money twice now.

“Get the fuck out of my face,” I sneer.

He gapes at me. “What is your problem with me, man?”

“I don’t associate with your kind.”

My words hit their intended target because he flinches. His blue eyes flash me a wounded look before he averts his gaze. I scrutinize him openly for a moment since he’s standing right in fucking front of me. Shorter than me but built enough that he might take me in a fight. Dark blond hair that makes him appear sort of innocent. And sad eyes. How the hell a rich kid who drives a purple Mustang could be sad is beyond me. If I were rich, I’d be happy as fuck.

He’s a rich prick and I’m me.

Our kinds don’t play nicely together.

I shove past him, clipping his shoulder. He lets out an annoyed groan. Stalking down the hall, I try not to think about how pissed Ms. Frazier will be. Last time I got sent to her office, I thought she was going to skin me alive. As soon as I make it to the front office, I smirk at Miss Fields, the office secretary. She’s young—fresh out of college. My buddy Cal is positive he’s going to fuck her before the year is over.

“Frazier,” I clip out to her.

Miss Fields gives me a snooty once-over. “Have a seat. She’s with another student.”

I plop down in one of my usual chairs as Hollis enters. Her face lights up at seeing him.

“Hey, honey. How’s your first day going so far?” she chirps, smiling fondly at him. “Ms. Sommers said you got into all the classes you wanted.”

Of course she’d love the pretty new boy. If I had to guess, he has a much better chance at fucking Miss Fields than Cal does.

“It’s fine,” he says in a bright voice that doesn’t at all seem defeated like it was moments ago. “Is it supposed to snow today?”

While they start talking about the fucking weather, I slouch in my seat, stretching my long legs out in front of me.

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