Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,3

take an awkward step back. His upper lip curls in disgust.

“Are you a teacher?” His deep, sultry voice startles me stupid for all of three seconds.

“W-What? No, I’m just a kid like you—”

“I’m not a fucking kid,” he snaps, his brows furling with anger.

I hold up a hand, hating that I’m already fucking this up. “I just meant…I’m sorry.” My hand shakes and of course he zeroes in on it. Quickly, I shove it into my coat pocket. “I’m new here and just wanted to introduce myself.”

“You did. Now move out of my way.” He takes a threatening step toward me, but I stand my ground this time.

“Listen…” I utter. “I’m not trying to piss you off, I’m—”

He grabs my shoulders roughly and physically moves me to the side. Then, he storms past me and into the building.

What. The. Fuck.

“Oh, man, you screwed up,” a voice calls out as he trots my way. “Take note, new guy, don’t piss him off.”

I slouch and scrub my palm along my cheek in frustration. “I didn’t mean to. I was just introducing myself. Trying to make a friend. You know, be a normal human being.”

He snorts. “Spoiler alert, everyone here sucks. Except me. And apparently you. The name’s Gio Montoya.”

I size him up quickly. Dark hair. Glasses. Small gap in his front two teeth. He’s dressed nicely, albeit a little nerdy, but he’s friendly.

“Hollis English. Moved here from Vermont.”

“Welcome to Hell, Hollis.” He grins. “Joke!”

I can’t help but laugh. “Joke’s on me. I was not expecting this.”

“Expect the unexpected around here. And stay away from guys like Roan Hirsch.”


The psychopath’s name is Roan.

A tiny thrill shoots through me knowing I now have his name despite him refusing to give it. It’s a nice name for a not-so-nice guy.

“Don’t worry,” I grumble. “I’ve learned my lesson.”

“His minions are just as bad. Avoid them at all costs. Terrence, Jordy, and Cal. Jordy, though, he’s a mean ass motherfucker. Touch his stupid car out there and he’ll break your nose. Just ask my buddy Richie.”

“Thought you said you were the only one who didn’t suck around here. What about Richie?”

Gio’s features darken. “Richie’s mom moved him the fuck out of here after that fight. I’m telling you. The Hoodlums are vicious.”


“Right,” I say with an exasperated sigh. “I’ll stay away. Gladly. Can you show me to Ms. Sommers? I need to pick up my schedule and figure out where the hell I need to go.”

“Ms. Sommers?” Gio waggles his brows. “She’s so damn hot. It’d be my honor, man.”

So today got off to a bad start.

No big deal.

Everything is going to be okay.

That lie feels extra sour in my stomach today.


“You have to come,” Sidney pleads, twirling a strand of her silky brown hair. “I know we’re broken up or whatever.” She rolls her eyes as though she doesn’t believe it. “But we can still be friends. You know it wouldn’t be Campfire Chaos without the Hoodlums.”

“I have shit to do,” I lie, ignoring her no matter how much she tries to shove her tits in my face.

“Ugh,” she hisses, shoving my shoulder. “When did you become such an asshole?”

I snap my head her way and narrow my stare. Sidney tries too fucking hard. She’s been whoring herself out to the whole student body since at least the eighth grade. I would kill Roux if she even looked at a boy.

My little sister is never allowed to turn into Sidney.

Fucking never.

“I said I have shit to do.” I lift a brow, waiting for her to challenge me.

The bell for second hour rings, making several people drop into their seats.

“Maybe I’ll just ask the new guy,” she sneers, turning back in her seat to text someone.

Her comment boils my blood and not in the way I’m sure she hoped. I’m not jealous. Fuck no. I’m pissed. Who the hell was that guy rolling up in his Mustang like he was fucking royalty?

Mr. Henley starts to work out a problem on the white board even though no one is paying any attention. Two minutes in, the door creaks open.

Mustang Motherfucker walks in, making my skin burn. He has a forced smile affixed on his pretty-boy face and he saunters into the room as though it’s no big deal to be dropped into this school. My school. He looks like the kind of guy who’s used to being the big man on campus. I’d enjoy the fuck out of knocking him down a few pegs.

“Sorry,” the guy says. “I

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