Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,2

smile and a friendly attitude. Teachers love me. Students want to be me.

It’s fine.

Totally fine.

Though I’d wanted to go for comfort—a hoodie and sweats—I decided on something more reasonable to make a first impression. Dark slacks. Dress shoes. Button-up shirt. I’d thought about grabbing a tie, but then wondered if it would seem too preppy. At the last minute, I decide preppy is fine if I want my teachers to take me seriously so I can get the scholarships I need. I can’t rely on Dad anymore. I snag a deep purple tie from the closet and quickly put it on like my father taught me. With my dark blond hair styled neatly and my approachable smile affixed, I deem that I look better than good for my first day of school.

Plus, my tie nearly matches my car, and that’s a small win I’ll take for the day.

Letting out a heavy sigh, I grab my gray pea coat, my black leather Michael Kors messenger bag, and the keys to the ’Stang.

I’m fine.

This is fine.

My new high school is insanely different than my prep school back home. For one, there are hardly any cars in the parking lot. Everyone at South Burlington Prep drove. And most of them drove something equally expensive to mine, though theirs was probably more snowy weather appropriate in comparison. Either I’m really early, or there are twelve people who drive.

A bout of nerves makes my stomach clench painfully. I’ve been having these pains when I’m stressed. Like someone grabs my stomach and squeezes it. A few times, I’ve even puked over it. Mom says it’s nerves and for her sake, I try not to tell her anymore. She looks sick herself anytime I mention it and the last thing I need to do is make my mother sick.

I park on the first row between an old Ford Explorer with the paint peeling off and a gray minivan. I still have twenty minutes before school starts, so maybe more kids will show up and fill up the parking lot. As I get out of my car, I cringe slightly noticing how obnoxious my vehicle looks in comparison.

I’m just grabbing my messenger bag from the backseat when a car door slams. I dart my eyes up to find a guy in front of the Explorer staring at me. His eyes look black and wild, and coupled with the cigarette hanging out of his mouth and shaved head, he looks borderline criminal.

“Nice purple car,” he says, his tone mocking, his cigarette bouncing between his lips.

“Uh, thanks.” My voice sounds high. Nervous.

“Wasn’t a compliment.”

The guy starts walking toward the school, flicking his cigarette into the grass, when the other car door slams. I drag my stare from the wannabe convict to another guy. Rather than bored and slightly unhinged, like the first guy, this guy looks pissed.

Dark brown hair that’s grown out long enough to hang over one of his intense eyes. Flaring nostrils. Sharp jawline that clenches. All that aggression is directed my way, but couldn’t possibly be for me considering I literally just got out of my car and have never met the guy.

I look over my shoulder to see who he could possibly be glaring at. When I find no one, I realize all that boiling hatred is for me.

Fucking great.

“Hi,” I squeak out, hating how much of a pussy I sound like. “I’m Hollis.”

“Don’t care.”

He walks off and I gape after him. What the hell was that all about? The guy is wearing the outfit I wanted to wear—black sweats, white tennis shoes, and a gray hoodie. It’s too cold not to be wearing a coat, but he doesn’t seem bothered by it.

I shoulder my bag and lock my car before hurrying after him. “Hey, man, wait up.”

He stops abruptly. It gives me time to approach him. The guy’s big, at least five inches or so over my five-foot-eleven frame. His shoulders are broad and he looks like he could fuck up someone like me.

Since he won’t turn around, I slowly circle him like one would a rabid animal. Calm. Soft tones. No quick movements.

“I think we got off on the wrong foot for some reason.” My breath comes out in a rush. “Can we start again?”

His head cocks to the side, his hair shifting to reveal a barbell through his eyebrow, and his honey-brown eyes bore into me. I can’t help but squirm under his scrutiny. He takes a step toward me, forcing me to

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