Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,6

ever know.

“Can I go?” I clip out, ending this line of conversation.

“You both can. I don’t want to see either of you in my office again. Make nice with each other. You’re both adults, so act like it.”


Lunch time used to be fun. I had friends. Lots of them. Plenty of guys and girls I could sit with. We laughed and joked and talked. Sometimes we studied. Mostly we planned whatever parties were coming up.

It wasn’t like this.

Not even when I came out to everyone that I was gay.

This is weird.

Fucking creepy.

People eye me curiously, but don’t offer a seat. The room almost comes to a hush—the air crackling with electricity as they wait.

Wait for what?

I scan the crowd looking for the kid Gio I met this morning. Nothing. I’m seconds from abandoning lunch altogether when someone sidles up beside me.

“Hey, new guy,” the brunette girl from my algebra class chirps. “Looking for a place to sit?”

She’s pretty. If I were into girls, I’d find her attractive enough to want to date. I can definitely tell she’s interested in me. It’d be smart to come right out and tell her I’m gay so she doesn’t waste her time.


Things are weird around here and I will take what I can get right now. If that means befriending a girl who thinks I’m potential boyfriend material, so be it.

Turning on my charm, I grin at her. “I would love that. This school is bigger than my old one. It’ll take some getting used to. Call me Hollis. And you are?”

“Sidney.” Her green eyes brighten as she grabs my elbow and points. “The girls and I sit right over there. Wave to Wendy.” A girl with blond hair and a big smile waves goofily at us. I wave back. “So let’s get food and talk about the next Campfire Chaos.”

I allow her to lead me to a line. “Campfire Chaos?”

“Everyone who’s anyone goes. It’s something the Hoodlums started when everyone was in middle school and it’s been going strong ever since.”

“We camp?”

She laughs. “Among other things.”

What other things?

“I’ll have to ask my mom.”

Her brows lift as she blinks her long lashes at me. “Aren’t you adorable?” Then her lips part. “Oh, wait. You’re serious? You really have to get permission?”

I cringe at her words. It’s on the tip of my tongue that our family has been going through some shit and I’m just trying to give my mom the respect of asking. Sure, I’m eighteen and can technically do what I want, but I don’t know if she needs me to babysit or has family stuff planned.

“I’ll see, okay?” I say, winking at her.

Her cheeks turn pink and she nods. “Okay. I really want you to come. You can share a tent with me.”

Oh crap.

Back up, Hollis.

Slow your fucking roll here.

“I, uh,” I start, but then I’m shoved out of line. I stumble a few steps and knock into some kid who barks out something in annoyance. When I swivel around, I come face to face with the guy from this morning who was with Roan. The stomach pains I’d been managing just fine come back in full force. I almost double over and have the urge to puke.

“Jordy!” Sidney screeches. “Don’t be an asshole!”

Jordy cracks his neck, his dark, nearly black eyes searing into mine. The guy is a bit bigger than Roan. Meaner too, it would seem. Violence ripples from him and I don’t want any part of it. I’ve never been in a fight in my entire life.

“Back of the line, fuckface,” he sneers, gesturing with a nod of his head in that direction.

“You can’t do this,” Sidney whines, but loses her fire when he peels his stare away from me to glower at her.

He takes a threatening step toward her. My stomach pains and the fear of a fight dissipate as I worry about the girl. I stalk over to him and step in front of her.

“Don’t.” I say the word quietly but laced with warning.

The crowd hushes.

“Or what?” Jordy bites out, bumping his chest to mine.

I want to swipe the spittle off my face, but I’m staring at a venomous snake. One false move and I’ll regret it.

“She’s just a girl,” I grumble.

“And so are you.” His grin is wolfish and evil.

“Let’s go, Hollis,” Sidney utters, grabbing my elbow.

I tug my arm free and don’t take my stare off Jordy. “We were here first. He can’t take our spot in line.” It’s not right.

Jordy laughs. “You have no

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