Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,32

anguish sets in. He’s scared. Devastated. Fuck. I want to wrap my arms around him and promise him it’ll be okay. Has anyone ever assured him it would be?

“I can’t lose her,” he hisses, bringing his mouth to my ear. “Carol is talking about putting her in a temporary home and I…” His voice breaks. “I can’t fucking take that, rat.”

I flinch at the name. Doesn’t feel like much of a caress now.

My palms slide up his muscular chest over his hoodie. I’m desperate to hold him and make him all the promises in the world. He needs it.

“If…” He trembles, trailing off, as his hand slides from my mouth down to my neck. “If they take her away from me…” He pulls back, searing his flaming eyes into mine. “I’ll fucking kill you.”

I blink in confusion. “What?”

“You heard me, rat. If this all blows up and I lose my sister, then I’ll have nothing left to lose. I will hunt you down and fucking destroy you.” His palm tightens around my throat, restricting the airflow.

“I can fix this,” I promise, though it’s not my fault and I don’t know how. “Let me help you fix this.” My hands slide up his neck and into his messy hair. I scrape my fingertips along his scalp. His eyes flutter closed briefly.

I steal the moment.

Inhale him.

Stare at him.

Feel him.

We’re on the edge of something, and it’s about to be taken away from me.

So I keep the moment for as long as I can.

I grip his hair tighter, making him open his eyes and hiss in warning. He clutches my throat tighter. Despite his anger and devastation, his body responds to mine. I can feel just how much so, as his dick rubs against mine through our jeans.

His shoulders sag slightly and his hand falls away from my neck. I pull his head toward mine. Forehead to forehead, we breathe in each other’s scent. Amber eyes lock onto mine—the brokenness in them causing little fissures inside my heart. I caress his scalp with my fingers, trying to convey wordlessly these intense feelings for him that have consumed my every thought.

Our mouths are so close.

I could kiss him.

Would it solve everything?

So close.

A tilt of my head.

I could make it happen.

He exhales and tilts forward, bringing his lips near enough to mine, they almost brush. “Remember, Hollis, if I lose her, I’ll ruin you in every way possible.”

Not a kiss.

Just cruel, hateful words that make my stomach clench violently.


He pulls away so abruptly, I nearly collapse without his body holding mine up against the wall. Roan is hard in his jeans. An angry scowl paints his face into something hauntingly beautiful. Those lips…fuck. Those lips are pink and full and would feel so good pressed to mine.

“Roan…” My voice is shrill and pleading.

The vulnerable boy retreats into the shadows as the fierce one steps up, ready to defend.

“Get the fuck out of my life, rat.” He cracks his neck and gives me a scathing glare. “Or I’ll do it for you.”


I glower at Hollis through the window of the fire station as he slowly walks back to his car. His shoulders are hunched, utterly defeated. It’s bullshit. I’m the one suffering here because of his family, and he’s the one feeling sorry for himself.

His head turns, looking my way, but he can’t see me from his vantage point. He fumbles for his keys in his coat pocket. They fall to the snowy asphalt at his feet. His knees buckle and he grabs the side of his car before bending to get them. I’m still staring after him, even after he drives off, when a hand clamps down on my shoulder.

“Carol’s not going to separate you two. You know that, right?” Mike asks, his voice filled with fatherly authority.

I almost believe his tone.

Believe him.

But I’m not stupid.

Nothing ever goes right for me and Roux.

“She said that? In those exact words?” I challenge, shaking off his hand to turn and look at him.

Mike’s lips thin out and he nods. “Pretty much. I told her I have the garage apartment.”

“She’s letting Roux stay with you because you’re stable and can provide,” I grit out. “This has nothing to do with me. I’m only getting to stay because you like me. If it weren’t for you, we’d be split.”

He shrugs. “Maybe. But that’s not the circumstance. You do have me and you’re not getting split up.”

For now.

He doesn’t have to say the words because I feel them. I know

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