Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,33

them as truth.

“Come on,” he says. “Carol is leaving. It’s probably best I get you two settled in and back to the station while we have coverage.”

Ten minutes later, we pile into Mike’s big redneck truck. The drive is quiet, each of us trapped in our heads. I’m sure Mike is wondering how in the hell he managed to suddenly get himself two kids. Roux is scared. I’m just angry at the injustice of it all. He pulls into a familiar neighborhood.

Oh, Jesus.


“There’s Charlotte’s house,” Roux says, pointing at a house as we drive.

My body tenses when I notice a purple Mustang parked out front. Mike drives to the end of the street and hangs a left. His house is at a dead end with a green belt behind it. The house is modest in size but boasts a big garage—probably for his monster truck—and the apartment sits on top.

We climb out and Mike helps Roux with her bags. He shows us up to the garage apartment. Once inside, I take in the small space.

“This kitchen is outdated, but everything works. I just had everything serviced up here because I was considering renting the place out,” he says as he walks over to the fridge and opens it. “I’ll get some food for you guys. Until then, just help yourself to whatever’s in the house.”

Guilt niggles at me. He obviously needed the money if he was going to rent it out, and now here we are freeloading. I’m going to have to find a job and fast.

“The television works, as does the DVD player, but if you want cable, we’ll have to get a box added—”

“We don’t need it,” I blurt out. “We’ll be fine.”

He gives me a knowing nod and then shows us down a hallway. “Here’s the bathroom. The sink sometimes is slow to drain so just watch that.” He opens another door once in the hallway. “This was a laundry room at some point, but the plumber said it’d cost a shit ton of money to fix the pipes. We capped it off and I converted it to a small bedroom.”

Roux steps inside and points out the small window. “Look! You can see the ducks in that little pond!”

Hearing her excitement does something to me. It melts a glacier-sized hunk of ice on my heart. I’ll have to work my ass off to pay for this somehow, but I’ve never wanted anything more than to give Roux a safe place to stay. Someplace happy and homey.

“And the other bedroom is back here. It doesn’t have the duck view, but you have a fabulous view of the street,” Mike jokes.

Though I want to give Roux the bigger room, I like that I can see what’s coming for us with this view.

“I get the duck room,” Roux tells me. “Sorry, bro.”

“You wound me,” I tease.

“I’ll round up some stuff from the house and bring it back so you guys can get your beds made up and shower. If you need anything, you have my cell. Take today to get settled, but tomorrow I want you back at school.” He gives me a firm look. “Both of you.”

So much for dropping out and job hunting.

“Thanks, Mike.”

“No problem, kid.”

He leaves and my tension hitches a ride with him. Just Roux and me feels more like normal. They can’t fucking take her from me. I won’t be able to cope.

I make my way back to the duck room. She’s already unpacking her clothes into a small dresser that’s made of clear plastic. Leaning against the doorframe, I watch her.

“I like it here,” she tells me, looking up from her task. “Without Alejandro…without Mom.”

“I do too.” I scrub my palm down my face. “I’m going to work my ass off. I’ll make sure we get to stay here. Maybe even get someplace better eventually.”

“You’re afraid.”

I let out a heavy sigh and sit down beside her on the bed, hugging her to me. “I’m afraid they’ll tear us apart.”

“Me too.”

“They can try,” I say, ruffling her hair in a playful way.

We both grow quiet because it’s not a joke. If they separate us, I’ll do everyfuckingthing in my power to bring us back together again. My father is a law breaker. Maybe the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I’d do it for Roux. I’d do anything for Roux.

“We’re going to be okay.” My whispered assurance does nothing to calm the stuttering in my heart.

Will we ever be able to relax in this

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