Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,31

psycho freak.

“What did you do?” Jordy demands, poking my chest. “What the fuck did you do?”

“What the hell are you talking about?” I bite back.

“We know you ratted like the bitch you are.”

Cal must sense my confusion because he clutches Jordy’s shoulder. “I don’t think he knows.”

“Knows what?” I glare at them both, imploring them to tell me just what it is they think I did.

Jordy pokes my chest again. Hard. “You told your aunt and now child protective services are involved. So help me—”

The words are drowned out as my blood turns to ice. Aunt Karen told CPS? Oh, shit. This is bad.

“You hear me, motherfucker?” Jordy roars. “We’ll make your life a living hell!”

He shoves me with the strength of three men, sending me hurtling across the bathroom. I fall to my ass, bruising my tailbone on the linoleum floor. My stomach is seizing as my stress reaches new heights. Not because Jordy is seconds from kicking my teeth in, but for what this means for Roan and Roux.

Oh God.

I need to explain that I didn’t know Aunt Karen would say something.

The guys are taunting me, but I manage to get back to my feet. Jordy stalks my way, his fist raised, when someone bangs hard on the door.

“Open this door now,” a deep voice booms.

Coach Rendell.

We all flinch and Terrence steps out of the way. Coach storms in, assessing the situation.

“You okay, English?” he asks me, clearly understanding the tension and that it’s directed at me.

Jordy gives me a murderous warning glare.

“Y-Yeah. Fine. I, uh, I just need to leave. Feeling sick.” I push past them and head for the office. I want to confront Aunt Karen. Ask her how she could throw Roan and Roux under the bus.

I find Aunt Karen in her office, on the phone. When she sees me storm in, she tells them goodbye, before turning her sympathetic eyes on me.

“Why did you call CPS?” I practically shriek at her. “Do you know what will happen?”

Gone is her sympathy as her stern authoritative scowl washes over her features. “As principal of this school and an adult, I have an obligation—”

“Aunt Karen,” I snap, cutting her off. “They’ll take Roux away.”

“Perhaps it’s for the best,” she says softly. “Their home situation—”

“Unbelievable.” I pace her office, ripping at my hair in frustration. “What happens now? She goes and lives with another family? This will destroy him, Aunt Karen.”

“Honey,” she says in a soothing tone. “It’s best if you let people more qualified handle their unique situation. I’m only trying to help them.”

“By ratting them out?” Tears of anger prickle at my eyes. “I have to go.”

“Hollis! You can’t just leave!”

“I’m sick,” I growl. “So fucking sick. I’ll see you later.”

I speed the whole way to the fire station. It’s snowing and the streets are slick, but I’m a man on a mission. Make everything right. But how? I don’t know and that just makes me want to throw up. This day keeps getting worse and worse.

I need to explain.

I want to help.

He’s going to hate me more than he already does, and it kills me. It kills me because I didn’t want this for him or Roux.

My car slides into a parking spot. I barely get it turned off before I’m flying out and into the station. As soon as I step inside, I notice a woman speaking to Roux while Roan paces. The woman sees me and smiles.

“You must be Hollis? You and your mother went to get Roux and Roan last night?” she asks, her nose crinkling.

Unable to formulate an answer before seeing Roan’s face, I glance over at him. His jaw clenches, but he says nothing.

“Yeah,” I grunt out. “Roan, can I talk to you for a sec?”

The woman nods. “I think that would be great. Roan, go talk to your friend. I wanted to ask Roux a few questions anyway.”

His nostrils flare, but I plead with my eyes as he walks over to me. He passes me and steps outside. I follow him around the side of the building. Is this where he’s going to kick my ass? Finish the job Jordy clearly wanted to do?

His expression is unreadable. It’s dead. Empty. A void. I don’t know if he’s mad or upset.


“Don’t,” he warns, his bronze eyes flashing a yellowy gold like fire.

“I didn’t—”

He rushes me, his palm covering my mouth. The brick digs into my back and his hips keep me pinned. “I said don’t.”

His eyes lose their fury as

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