Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,30

me, but I’m not entirely focused. I mumble out words that must calm her because then she begins stitching my cheek. Hollis squeezes my hand, reminding me he’s here with me. My heart throbs hard in my chest.

She finishes and then gives me a stern look when I yawn. “You need to stay awake so we can keep an eye on you.”

“I’m fine,” I grunt.

“You’re not fine.” She frowns. “Stay awake. I’ll grab you some coffee.”

She stands and walks away. Frank follows after her into the kitchen area toward the nauseating smell, talking lowly. I’m so fucking tired. I don’t have a concussion. I just didn’t get enough sleep last night. Bitterness makes my eyes sting.

I fall back against the cushions and my head throbs harder. My eyes must close because I’m shaken awake a second later.

“Roan, man, you can’t,” Hollis says, an apology in his tone. “Sit up.”

“No,” I snap. “Leave me alone.”

“I’m trying to help you.” The concern in his features kills me.


“Because I want to.”

“I’m so tired.” Of this day. Of this life.

“I know.”

“I want to go to sleep and never wake up.”

He swallows. “I know.”

“I don’t know what to do.”

Rather than offer an answer, he pulls me to him. The rat of Hood River, my enemy, hugs me to his chest. Fucking holds me like he can put all the broken pieces back together again. I fist his hoodie in my hand, breathing in his scent. Tears burn at my eyes and then leak of their own accord. I cry silently, overwhelmed with life, and soak Hollis’s hoodie. He doesn’t offer assurances, simply holds me.

“Stay awake for me,” he murmurs. “Please.”

The tears burn hotter and with more intensity.

“I’m awake, rat.” I smile, the fabric of his hoodie soft against my lips. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”


All of my texts go unanswered. It’s frustrating as hell because I want to know what’s going on with them. Roan and I may have our beef, but there’s something linking us. It would feel too surface to say physical attraction. I feel connected to the broody asshole in ways I don’t understand. When he’s near, I want to inhale him and look at him. Feel him. I’ve never wanted to just be in someone’s presence before like I do with him.

It’s really fucking confusing because he’s a total prick most of the time.

That’s just surface too, I think.

Beneath all that hardness is a soft, vulnerable boy. Just knowing he’s inside there makes me want to dig and dig and dig until I unearth him. I feel like he’s mine. Like he could be mine. If I take the time and effort to find him.

Me: How’s your head?

I send Roan another text. This one, like the others, goes unanswered. It makes me worry his condition has worsened. He’s not at school, which is understandable considering he got the shit beat out of him by some thug, but what if he had to go to the hospital or something? My gut tightens and twists.

The bell rings for lunch and I take my time getting to the cafeteria. I’m sick to my stomach with stress and worry. The scent of pizza or whatever the fuck they’re cooking today has my insides burning in protest. I bolt into the restroom and head for a stall. Bile creeps up my throat and the room spins as I push into the handicap stall. I barely get the lock pulled when I’m scrambling for the toilet. Pain lances through my stomach as I gag. There’s nothing in my belly because I felt too sick after all that happened with Roux and Roan this morning to eat. I’m thankful I didn’t eat anything, because I’m too exhausted and overwhelmed to add puking my guts up to shit I’m dealing with today. Acid burns up my esophagus, but nothing escapes.

Once I feel like I’m no longer going to dry heave, I stand up and rush from the stall, eager to splash cold water on my clammy face. I’m just turning on the sink and getting my hands wet when the door to the bathroom opens.

In walk the Hoodlums.

Minus their grumpy leader.

“I thought I smelled a rat,” Jordy sneers, prowling inside with Cal and Terrence behind him. Terrence stands in front of the door, blocking it. Cal cracks his neck, towering behind Jordy, as Jordy steps into my personal space.

I don’t like him at my back, so I turn off the water and face off with the

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