Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,29

April here? She can stitch me up.”

“Everyone’s asleep. I’ll get them up, though. Let’s get inside.” He ushers the four of us into the fire station. The scent of coffee hits my nostrils, making me recoil. I don’t normally dislike the smell of coffee, but at the moment, it makes me nauseous.

He takes us to the living area where there are a couple of sofas before rushing from the room. Hollis paces while Kelsey and Roux sit down. It makes my heart ache to see Kelsey hug Roux like she’s her daughter. Roux deserves so much better than the piece of shit who gave birth to us. I stumble a bit and Hollis pounces on me. He gently guides me down to sit.

“How’s your head?”

“Fine,” I grumble.

He doesn’t release my arm, sitting so close our thighs press together. “You’re not fine, Roan, you have a huge gash on your cheek and can barely stand upright.”

I grumble, but don’t argue. Truth is, I don’t mind his touch. It’s comforting in this moment.

“What in the ever-loving hell?” Mike demands as he charges into the room, still sleepy-eyed, with Frank and April on his heels. April has her kit in hand. She’s a nurse and is married to Frank, so she’s always up at the station with him.

“Good morning to you, too,” I deadpan.

Mike doesn’t seem amused as he plops his big ass down on the coffee table in front of me and puts his fingers under my chin, lifting my head. He touches below my jaw and I wince.

“I have to call this in,” Mike says, frowning.

“Mike!” I bark out, hating the wave of dizziness from this action. “You can’t.”

We both glance over at Roux. He grits his teeth.

“Fine, but you’re not going back,” he throws at me. “Ever again.”

I shrug my shoulders. “I can call Cal or Jordy—”

“Nonsense. I have the garage apartment. It sits empty. You can move in there.”

My heart rate speeds up. “Really? I mean, I can pay. Well, not right this second, but I can get a job and—”

“We’re not worrying about all that when you’ve clearly got a concussion and are bleeding all over the damn place. Let April get you stitched up. We’ll figure the specifics out later.” He clutches my shoulder. “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to do more. I always wanted to.”

“I know,” I choke out, hating how fucking emotional I feel right now. This isn’t me. I’m hardened. The boy made of steel. I won’t allow anyone or anything to hurt me or my sister. Right now, I feel every bit as breakable as the porcelain boy beside me.

Mike rises and moves out of the way so April can set to assessing me while Frank hovers, his brows furrowed in concern. I overhear Mike and Kelsey speaking in hushed tones. Roux is already fast asleep with a big blanket on her. Hollis remains at my side. It’s then I realize he’s holding my hand.




I don’t shake away his hold, simply draw strength from it.

Hollis swipes his thumb over my flesh. I don’t know what to make of it. It’s weird as fuck to hold hands with the kid I hated from the second I saw him. But the hate has evolved. In a few short days, it’s melted into something dangerous and consuming. Something I’ve never experienced. Frankly, it scares the hell out of me. How can someone feel so inexplicitly drawn to another person in such a short time?

I want to hate him, but I can’t.

I don’t like him. That much I’m certain of. Yet, I can’t figure out what it is about him that I crave. Friendship? Affection? His voice? The searing looks he gives me? It goes beyond some lust filled, sexual desire. If it was just sex, guy or not, I would’ve fucked him out of my system much like I did Sidney. This is different. All-consuming. Scary as hell.

I try to pull my hand away, unsure if I’m able to handle whatever this storm brewing between us is. I don’t know if it’ll end with fists and broken bones or kisses and broken hearts. It’s too intense and cataclysmic to not end in destruction, though. If it’s not hate, it’s something close. Hate destroys and decimates. Whatever this is, it’ll ruin too.

Ruin me.

Ruin him.

Probably ruin everyone in this room.

His fingers thread with mine and I fucking let him. I let the perfect, rich boy hold my hand like I belong to him. April says stuff to

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