Hollywood Heartbreaker - Alexa Aston Page 0,33

also wanted to get Rhett’s list and start taking it apart to see whom he wanted at the big happening, as well as scouting the Internet for news stories about previous fundraisers in Hollywood.

A knock sounded at the door and Cassie grabbed her purse. She opened the door to a smiling Breck. He held a six-pack of Dr. Pepper.

He thrust it at her. “Housewarming gift. I thought you might need it.”

Cassie laughed. “You’ve just provided breakfast for tomorrow. I always need a caffeine jolt in the morning.”

TJ wandered in and stopped at Breck’s feet. He sniffed them and then loved against Breck’s leg.

“I guess I pass muster?”

She laughed. “TJ likes everyone. He’s not a Garfield kind of standoffish cat. He’s very laid back and friendly.”

Breck leaned down and scratched TJ’s head. The cat began purring loudly.

“You have made a friend for life, Breck.”

“I do have a way with animals. And women. Especially the women that are animals.” He gave her a wolfish grin.

They took Breck’s Corvette to a diner around the corner from Bonkers. Cassie met Jolene there often before she went on. She liked the juicy, fat burgers and was addicted to crunching the crushed ice.

Breck drained the last of his chocolate shake loudly. “That was a great shake,” he declared, “and the double cheeseburger wasn’t half-bad, Cassie Carroll. So far, I like hanging with you. I didn’t even know this dive existed.”

“Glad I could introduce you to a new place.” She nibbled on her last fry. “You should try the onion rings sometime. They also make a really messy chili cheese dog that hits the spot. Tons of onions and cheese that’ll give you heartburn for a week.” She dabbed her mouth with a napkin. “Have you ever been to Bonkers?”

“No. I’ve hit a few of the comedy spots with Rhett, mostly to go catch Zak’s act.”

“Zak has played Bonkers before but after his TV spot last week, he’ll probably stick with bigger places like Hollywood Improv or the Laugh Factory.”

“Who is this friend we’re here to support and how do you know her?”

“Jolene Farrell. I met her when she signed with the agent that is now my former boss. We just clicked. Started having lunch. Eventually, we moved in together when my roommate went back to Kansas to marry her high school sweetheart and Jolene’s roommate ran off with some junkie.”

“Is she any good?”

“I think so. My mom’s generation wouldn’t get her at all. She’s as foul-mouthed as they come and lots of her humor is biting and topical, a la Tina Fey. She tosses out one-liners really fast. Sometimes, you don’t start laughing until ten seconds after the joke’s over and by then, she’s thrown out two more zingers.”

Cassie finished off her vanilla Dr. Pepper. “Let’s head over. I want to grab a good table.”

They sat close to the stage. Jolene liked Cassie within sight, probably because of the thumbs up Cassie flashed her during the act when things went well. The server left them with the usual watered-down drinks and they sat through two painfully unfunny comedians before Jolene came onstage.

Cassie gave her a slight wave and Jolene started into her monologue, firing off jokes left and right. Breck’s laugh was loud and he really seemed into Jolene’s act. Cassie beamed as Jolene wrapped up and exited the stage.

She joined them moments later as the lights came up for a brief intermission. “I don’t know who you are,” she told Breck, “but your laugh really got the crowd going tonight. I think I should hire you to sit ringside every time I perform.”

Cassie introduced them. “Breck O’Dell is Rhett’s friend that I told you about. This is Jolene Farrell.”

Breck shook Jolene’s hand. “Perfect comic timing, Jolene.” He looked her up and down. “Everything else seems perfect, too.”

Jolene flashed him a smile. “And that’s with my clothes on. You should see me with them off.”

“I’d like that. I guess you heard we’re living together?”

“Oh, really? Then you must be the stuntman who hangs around Corrigan’s place as his entourage of one. That could come in handy.”

Breck grinned. “Handy is my middle name. I can give you a demonstration anytime you like.”

Cassie watched their flirtation go back and forth like a ping pong match on speed. Jolene was attractive but she wasn’t the usual Hollywood twig. She carried a few extra pounds, which she willingly made fun of during her act. Cassie wondered if Breck simply humored her or if his interest was genuine.

The lights dimmed and

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