Hollywood Heartbreaker - Alexa Aston Page 0,32

physically or even personality-wise. Scarlett’s almost six feet tall, Suellen’s real flaky, and Carreen is sweet and practical, but they’re all real people. I haven’t been around real in a long time. It appeals to me.”

Cassie’s jaw dropped. “Did you say Scarlett? I’d already heard about Suellen and Carreen. My gosh. They’re all named after Gone with the Wind characters.”

He chuckled. “Nadine—Mrs. Corrigan—is from Atlanta. Her folks moved to California when she was a teenager. She’s mad for that movie and must watch it on DVD at least once a week. I’ve seen it so many times, I can quote lines from it.”

Breck leaned closer, his smile charming her. “About that date? What do you like to do?”

Cassie’s level glance was as even as her voice. “I like to keep work and my personal life separate.” She saw his disappointed look. “However, I do like to go places with my friends.”

He nodded, immediately understanding. “As long as your Rhett’s employee, we don’t have a chance. But we can still be friends?”

“That’s right. How about going to hear a friend of mine at a comedy club tonight?”

“Hmm. Not the usual drugs and dance club. I like it already.”

“I’ve never done drugs. My worst vice is guzzling DP. Dr. Pepper, that is. I need a fix every now and then to keep percolating along.”

Breck stretched out his long legs. “I can drink DP with you. Maybe add a little Jack in to make it pop. What time’s this show?”

“Jolene goes on at nine tonight. That’s pretty early for the comedy clubs. The audience won’t be as drunk then. She may do a later show, as well.”

“When should we leave? Do you have time for dinner first? You know, between friends.”

“Dinner would be nice. Something casual. How about seven?”

“I’ll come over at seven then.”


Cassie almost wished she hadn’t promised Breck they’d see Jolene tonight. She was bone tired. After lunch, the movers buzzed at the gate. Jolene directed them in with everything but now a mountain of boxes surrounded Cassie. She needed to sort through and hang all her clothes and find her toiletries. The kitchen also needed to be organized the way she liked it so she could find things.

At least she’d have a bathroom all to herself. The gatehouse was triple the size of their former shoebox and each bedroom had its own bath, with an additional powder room for guests. Jolene’s idea of sharing meant she borrowed anything of Cassie’s that was out—toothpaste, makeup, tampons—and left the bathroom a total mess. Having her own space would be a luxury.

Jolene had whirled like a dervish upon seeing the place, busted open every box the movers had marked with a “J”, and then left. She was meeting a friend to tighten up tonight’s routine.

Cassie opened a couple of boxes before she found her favorite pair of jeans and a casual top in mint green that she thought worked well with her hair. She was glad Breck wanted to go out for a bite. She knew only a few boxes contained food, mostly cereal and peanut butter. She would need to do some shopping tomorrow.

At least she’d hired a cleaning service this afternoon. They would come four days a week. Cassie had prepared a schedule for what she wanted done on what days. They also promised to be available if she needed them more, especially if Rhett were having guests or a party and set-up was required. It didn’t hurt that she’d checked with Ken Cameron, one of the references the service gave her. The TV star told Cassie the group was efficient and thorough

She hadn’t liked the cook she met with. Or chef, as he’d demanded to be called. He was French with a great resume but he didn’t have knowledge of the regular, healthy fare that Cassie knew Rhett wanted. A guy could only eat so many heavy cream sauces and flamboyant desserts.

Two more cooks would be coming tomorrow morning. She was grateful they would meet with her on a Saturday. Cassie would interview them and then do a little grocery shopping for her and Jolene. She also had an appointment with the head of PR from the local Susan G. Komen Foundation on Monday morning to run by the idea of Rhett hosting a charity event for them. She wanted to spend tomorrow afternoon going over her notes and preparing the questions she needed to ask.

After that, she would start feeling the waters on where to hold the event. She

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