Hollywood Heartbreaker - Alexa Aston Page 0,34

Jolene excused herself. “Got another bit to do. You going to stay around for it?” She looked to Cassie and then over at Breck.

“We’ll be here,” Breck assured her. “You need a ride after?”

“Only if the Green Monster won’t start.” Jolene smiled encouragingly. “What about a nightcap at home? Since we are practically living together.”

Breck nodded and Jolene left. Cassie cocked her head at Breck. “What was that all about?”

He grinned sheepishly. “Now, General, I like you. You still remind me of what the real world is all about, and I already love you like a sister. I hope that’s okay.”

Cassie wondered where this was going. “I’m good with that. I’m merely wondering what’s up with you and Jo. The sparks were flying so high, I thought they’d incinerate the room.”

“Is she seeing anyone?”

“Not really.” Cassie kept it vague. Jolene rarely had a second date. She was into one-night stands and no commitments. Jo said that if she didn’t see a guy a second time, he couldn’t be disappointed.

A new comedian came out. Cassie excused herself and headed to the restroom. She ran into Jolene there.

“Breck is amazing,” Jolene proclaimed. “Fast and funny as hell and absolutely the best-looking fucker I’ve seen in person. Except your dream guy, AKA our landlord. What’s his story? I tell you, Cass, I’m already wild about him. I’d run away with Breck tomorrow. Or the next day. His choice, of course.”

“He’s a decent guy, Jo. He did ask me if you were seeing anyone.”

Jolene’s eyes widened. “He really asked? Of course, I’m not seeing anyone. I’m crazy for Breck O’Dell. I’m now wearing blinders where all other men are concerned.”

Cassie advised, “Then get to know him, Jo. He’s got a lot to offer. Don’t sleep with him the first time you’re alone.”

“Good advice, Cass. I’ll play a little hard to get.” She blew out a long breath. “We have the coolest place to live and fucking beautiful neighbors. If any money floated down like manna from heaven, I’d say we’d won the lottery.”

She hugged her friend. “Take things slowly. For now, go out and kill them with the second set.”

Jolene left and Cassie returned to the main room. She wound her way through the packed tables, glad that the crowd had grown. As she reached their table, she saw her seat was occupied.

By Rhett Corrigan.


Rhett sipped the lukewarm beer as Breck went on and on about Cassie’s roommate.

“You’re gonna love her act, Rhett. She’s hilarious. I laughed my balls off and you know how hard I am to entertain.”

He set his beer down. “I don’t know, Breck. Seems to me that Missy Levell—”

“Don’t bring that girl up again, Rhett. I was fourteen at the time. I haven’t—”

“Hi. I guess I lost my seat.”

Rhett glanced up to find Cassie standing behind him. He stood and indicated for her to sit as he pulled up another chair.

“Who’s Missy Levell?” she asked, trying to hide a smile.

Breck groaned. “Don’t go there, Cassie. It’s ancient history. A lifetime ago.”

Rhett leaned over to her. “Maybe if you get him really drunk sometime, he’ll spill the beans on Missy.”

“I don’t plan on ever getting that drunk, Corrigan.”

“Why are you slumming?” Cassie asked Rhett. “Somehow, you don’t look like the comedy club type to me.”

He shrugged. “More like hiding out. Randi wanted me to go to this modeling thing. She keeps pushing for us to go public. I told her I’d meet her there. When I did, the whole place was crawling with drugged-out toothpicks fawning over each other and cameras flashing left and right. I don’t think she even realized I left.”

“Rhett, do you even like this woman?” Cassie asked.

He frowned at her question. “You sound like sixth grade. Pass me the note and I’ll check the yes or no box and then you’ll know if I like her or not.”

Cassie stared him down. “Seriously. If you care for Randi, you need to show her. That means giving up a little bit of that privacy you crave and showing your face in public with her every now and then if you really want to make a go of the relationship.” She stopped. “I can’t believe I just said that.”

Breck laughed. “I can’t believe you said it. Randi’s a twenty-two on the ten-point bitch-o-meter and you’re actually taking up for her. You’re slipping, General. The Ya-Ya Sisterhood would be disappointed in you.”

Cassie looked back at Rhett. “So answer the question, Corrigan. Do you like Randal James or not? Because believe

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