The Holders - By Julianna Scott Page 0,108

it my turn to blush.

“Where are we going then?”

“Jocelyn’s office.”

“I should have known,” I groaned.

“He wants to see you.”

“Wants to yell at me, you mean.”

“I’m sure he just wants to see that you’re all right. He’s been worried.”

“Not worried enough to come and see me.”

“That’s not true; he was there a lot the first few days.”

“Right, because that’s better; he’ll come to see me as long as I’m not awake.”

As we arrived outside the door to Jocelyn’s office, Alex turned to face me, placing his hands on either side of my neck. “Becca, listen to me. I know this isn’t what you’d rather be doing, but please try and behave yourself in there. You’re not strong enough to throw a temper tantrum, just yet.” He smiled, though I could see the genuine worry hovering in his eyes.

Much as I wanted to argue, he had a point. My one-on-one times with Jocelyn didn’t exactly have the best track record, and I could just imagine the scene he was envisioning: me throwing a fit, passing out, and having to live another week at death’s door, all because I couldn’t control my temper.

Yeah, I guess that sounded like me.

But not today. Today I had to keep it together, and take what was coming to me. I’d disobeyed a direct order and caused everyone loads of unnecessary worry and trouble because of it. I would be an adult about it and swallow my medicine like a woman.

In any event, Alex was right. Even if I wanted to try and fight back, I knew I couldn’t. I was still too weak to get worked up, and I wasn’t going to risk my safety. I needed to stay healthy for my own sake of course, but even more for the sake of the pale, worn, beaten-down man standing in front of me.

Alex had been through hell the past week and a half, that much was clear just by looking at him. Since the moment he found me almost dead in that old music room, he hadn’t left my side once, not for anything. Even at night he stayed, flatly refusing to go back to his own room. Instead, he slept on the reclining rocking chair in my infirmary room, insisting it was comfortable. And I use the term “sleep” loosely, as I was sure that he was doing little more than catnapping, at best.

“OK, I’ll make you a deal,” I said, seeing an opportunity. “I’ll go talk to Jocelyn, staying perfectly calm and collected – if you promise to do something for me.”

“Which is?” he asked with a suspicious raise of his eyebrows.

“Tonight, you sleep in your own bed.”

The wry amusement in his eyes vanished. “No.”

“Alex, you need to sleep, you’re a mess.”


“You’re not sleeping well in that chair, I know you’re not. You can’t keep this up, or you are going to hurt yourself.”

“It’s not going to happen, Becca.”

“Fine,” I huffed. “Then at least let Min give you something to help you sleep.”

“No way, that stuff knocks you dead!”

“Have you seen a mirror lately? Trust me, you need it,” I said, giggling.

“But what if…?” The worry in his eyes finished his sentence for him.

“Alex, I’m OK,” I said softly, willing him to believe me. “The only thing wrong with me now is that I’m worried about you. Promise me you will let Min help you sleep tonight.”

“Jocelyn is waiting for you,” he said, trying to distract me.

“I haven’t heard a promise yet.”

“Fine,” he sighed.



“I’m going to watch you drink it,” I warned, poking him in the chest.

“I said I will, now stop stalling and get in there,” he said, nodding at the wooden doors behind me.

In one last ditch effort, I got up on my toes and kissed him, which was hard to do effectively, considering he was laughing.

“Nice try,” he said, leaning back and spinning me by the shoulders to face the office. Before I could stop him, he reached around me and knocked loudly on the door.

“Come in,” Jocelyn’s voice said from inside.

“I’ll be here to walk you back when you’re done,” he said softly, giving me a peck on the cheek. With that, he stepped over and pushed the door, holding it open for me. I shot him a scowl – which was intended to strike fear, but to my annoyance, only earned a chuckle – and walked past him into the office, my head held high.

As I stepped into the room, I looked up toward the desk to find Jocelyn with Copyright 2016 - 2024