The Holders - By Julianna Scott Page 0,107

mind read? He is not someone to take such a careless risk.”

But you have a name?

“Yes,” Alex said, “we have a name. And now I think it’s time for you to go back to sleep. Your eyelids are sinking by the minute.”

Damn. I’d hoped he hadn’t noticed. I’m fine, I lied.

“You’re exhausted and you’re going to sleep. Besides, I have to send Anderson to tell Jocelyn that you woke up, so you’re about to lose your microphone.”

Spoilsport, I grumbled, already feeling the heavy arms of sleep start to pull me under.

He stood up, carefully placing my hand down on the bed and went over to the door.

No, wait, just a few more minutes! I called, only to see him chuckle as he stepped outside.

And sure enough, a few seconds later, Mr Anderson’s ability began to fade as he left the hall, then the building, and I was forced to break our connection. Alex came back inside, trying not to look amused – and failing horribly.

“You see,” he said grinning down at me, as I did my best to scowl at him, “we don’t need Anderson after all, I know exactly what you’d say if you could.” He came back over to the bed leaning over me once again, his hand holding the side of my face. “Now, go to sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

He thought he was clever, but no way was I letting him win this, no matter how exhausted I was. I closed my eyes, grabbing hold of every ounce of strength I had left, throwing it all in to one final breath, just barely getting out, “I love you.”

It was the faintest breath of a whisper, but even though I couldn’t see him his gasp told me he’d heard. I felt a pair of lips press against my cheek, and a warm drop of moisture fall onto my forehead and roll down into my hair. And the last thing I heard, before surrendering to the inviting call of sleep, was Alex’s voice echo softly, “Is breá liom tú ró, mo lómhara. Tá tú gach rud a dom.”


Over the next few days I made impressive progress in the strength department, if I do say so myself. The day after my first imparted conversation with Alex I was able to do most of my talking verbally – though we kept Mr Anderson around just in case – and by the evening after that I was actually sitting up. Granted I was still napping more than an infant, but hey, progress is progress.

During the time I’d been awake I had visitors galore. Min was always in and out, checking my saol, making sure nothing was wrong. Cormac was a little worse for wear from his ordeal, scratches and bruises on his face and arms, but he still came to see me, more than anxious to hear about my use of the Iris and what it was like. Chloe was with me whenever she could be, bringing me magazines, chatting away about this and that, and – bless her – brushing out and braiding my hair. Ryland was brought over to see me once I was strong enough not to scare him, and Mr Anderson and Mr Reid even moved their three o’clock game of the day from the Lorcan lounge to my infirmary room so I could play.

But even with all the care and attention I was getting from everyone around me, after ten days in the same room I was craving nothing more than fresh air and the sight of anything other than beige-gray infirmary room walls. Finally, after two days of begging, Alex agreed to take me with him to Lorcan when he went for a change of clothes.

The air outside was cold and blustery, and the sun was completely hidden behind the blanket of gray clouds. Most people would have considered it miserable, but to me it was heaven. I held his arm as we made our way over to Lorcan and up the front steps.

“I thought you needed clothes?” I asked, as Alex led me past the main stairs and down the hall.

“I do, but you’re not ready for all those stairs yet. I need to drop you off somewhere first, and I’ll pick you up after I change.”

“Aw, you mean I don’t get to watch?” I asked innocently.

His ears caught fire and he had to swallow before answering. “Um, no. Someone’s expecting you. Maybe next time,” he said with a wink, making Copyright 2016 - 2024