Highlander's Beautiful Liar A Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance Historical Novel - Adamina Young Page 0,28

servant here. I’m sure she’ll be happy to get to her duties now that she’s here,” Alec said as he glared at her. She averted her gaze.

“Nonsense. I feel the need for some female companionship during dinner, and ’tis been a long time since an English lass has been by my side. I’m sure ye will not mind, will ye?”

Alec gritted his teeth. “Of course not. Miss Claire, I’m happy for ye to join us.”

“Wonderful.” Someone pulled out his chair, and the elderly man sat heavily at the head of the table. “Perhaps ye’ll entertain me with a dance later, Alec. I’m sure Miss Claire will oblige ye.”

Could this night get any worse? After what nearly happened yesterday evening, he was afraid to even be near her, let alone embrace her during a dance in front of the whole clan.

Once the King was seated, Alec waved his hand to the musicians, and they started back up again. The dancing began as before, and soon the celebration was back in full swing. Mary came around quickly with a fresh plate of food for the King, and her eyes widened at the sight of Cora.

“Thank ye, girl,” Edward said gallantly. “I trust that ye won’t hold it against yer friend that she entertain me tonight? I find her story to be fascinating.”

“I’m sure she’ll be pleased with yer attention, Sire,” Mary said as she curtsied. Cora sucked in her breath, and Alec narrowed his eyes. There was something going on here.

“Aye,” was all Edward said before reaching for his goblet. Mary gave Cora a pleased smile before scurrying away. She looked more terrified than pleased with her circumstances. What had transpired between them before they had made their appearance? “Alec, tell me of yer sister. Is she of age now?”

“Grace? She turned eighteen this past summer. Connor would have married her off two years ago, but he’s having trouble finding a man that will have her,” Alec said with a grimace.

“Really?” Edward said in surprise. “She was such a beauty last time I laid eyes on her. Has she some new affliction?”

“Aye,” Alec snorted. “She’s mental. She’s decided that she’ll not marry anyone because she has far too much fun driving Connor and I mad. Just last month Connor caught her learning swordplay.”

“She’ll need a strong man to take her in hand,” Edward agreed.

“I would think that in a place like this, a woman’s strength and independence would be welcome,” Cora said harshly.

“Claire,” Alec growled. “Watch yer tongue.”

“Please,” the King said mildly. “Enlighten me. What do ye mean ‘a place like this’?”

“We do not face the same threats and conditions in London as you do here. Women are bred to either serve men or make dutiful wives. But here, you have dissent between the clans and a constant battle against the harsh elements. With trained women by your side, you stand a far greater chance at success.”

“Trained women?” Edward asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Tell me, Laird. Was your sister impressive with a sword?” Cora asked.

“Yes,” Alec admitted.

“Then there you go,” Cora said primly.

“Were ye bred to make a dutiful wife?” Alec asked in a low voice. “Or to serve a man?”

His words were dangerously seductive, and for a moment, he forgot the King seated between them. Cora met his gaze cooly, but he saw the redness that stained her cheeks. “I have endured more than one season in London,” she replied.

“So you’re a Lady then? I’ll ask again, what were ye doing here in the MacKay prisons?”

“Alec,” Edward said sharply. “I would enjoy my dinner in peace.”

“My apologies,” Alec said as he stood. “If ye’ll excuse me, I’d like to stretch my legs.”

“Take Miss Claire dancing,” the King said. “That should help ye blow off some steam.”

Alec opened his mouth to protest, but Edward had already returned to his meal. Knowing there was nothing else he could do, he presented Cora with his hand. She took a deep breath before accepting it. Soon he twirled her around in the sea of bodies dancing between the tables.

“What do ye think yer trying to achieve?” Alec hissed. He wasn’t worried about anyone overhearing them above the laughter and cheers.

“I’m not trying to achieve anything,” she snapped. “If you must know, I stole back in your room for the supplies that you took from me so that I could escape. Your King caught me and ordered that I escort him to the festivities.”

“And ye think admitting that ye were trying to leave me is better

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