Highlander's Beautiful Liar A Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance Historical Novel - Adamina Young Page 0,27

that Innes Campbell would be your first choice. Isn’t that what you decided six months ago?” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she realized her error.

The King watched her carefully. “I did not have all the facts when I made those initial decisions. The consequences of my actions have forced me to review them.”

He knew. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that he knew exactly who she was. The question now was what he planned on doing about it. “All of those decisions, my Lord? Or just the ones that affect the MacKays?”

“Claire, isn’t it?” he asked with an innocent expression on his face. “I do believe that ye have a story to tell. Why do ye not tell it?”

“I’m a stranger here, King Edward. Who could I possibly trust to divulge my secrets? It’s not like the family that I left behind. A vulnerable younger sister who still believes in the goodness of everyone.”

Her vague confession hung heavily between them, and he glanced down at the sword in her hands. “My dear Claire, if ye would be so good to return those items to Sinclair’s chambers, I can assure ye that ye will not be needing them tonight.”

“But—” she protested. He put his hands up to stop her.

“Join me this evening. I insist.”

Here she was, taking a chance on the King’s kindness, and he meant to keep her here! Still, what could she do? Defying him on Scottish grounds would no doubt be treason. Straightening her spine, she gave him a little nod. “Very well.”

Returning to Alec’s chambers, she dumped the items on the floor and shut the door with such force that the King’s eyes widened. “Ye must get yer temper from yer mother, for Duncan MacKay was soft inside.”

If there was any doubt that King Edward knew her father, it was dashed in one sentence. Taking the King’s arm, she held her head high as she walked him down the stairs. There was little choice but to meet the fate that awaited her with as much dignity as possible.


The fiddlers and bards had caused a frenzy as the MacKays danced and drank and laughed. Even Alec could feel the tension leaving his body as he surveyed the grand hall. The dozen of Sinclair warriors were getting along famously with the MacKays, and Innes Campbell had been ordered to leave with his tail tucked between his legs. His men trained that day with vigor and even some excitement although it was difficult to tell if his King was happy with the results.

“If ye continue scowling, there isn’t a woman here who will want to share yer bed,” Shane laughed as he clapped him on the shoulder. “This is a celebration. Try to have some fun!”

“’Tis may verra well be the last night we spend here,” Alec reminded him. “Have ye had a conversation with the King today? Do ye have any idea what he’s thinking? His face is as still as a stone wall.”

“As a matter of fact, I did have a conversation with His Majesty. He had a few questions about ye and the clan, but he was far more interested in Miss Claire.”

“What?” Alec’s head snapped up. “Ye must be jesting. What would he want with her?” The fact is that King Edward caught him staring at her earlier today, but Alec had hoped his quick dismissal of the conversation would douse the King’s interest.

Apparently not.

“I wasn’t the only one he was asking. Where is Claire? I would think she’d be helping the other servants. It won’t look good if yer servants are disobeying orders.”

“I ordered her to stay in her room,” Alec said sourly. “I don’t want a thief running around with the King here.”

Shane’s eyes widened. “Then I suppose ye’ll be verra unhappy if the thief had not only disobeyed ye but was gracing King Edward’s arm?”

“Like that would ever hap—” His words died in his throat when a hush fell over the hall. As everyone bowed, Alec turned his head to see King Edward making his way to him.

Cora was as pale as a ghost.

“What the hell,” he grumbled under his breath, but he dutifully stood and bowed. “Yer Majesty. I’m pleased to see ye well-rested.”

“I doonae know about that,” Edward said with a small smile. “’Tis hard to rest with such merriment happening. I was pleased to meet the lovely Miss Claire on my way here and asked her to escort me.”

“I see. Miss Claire is a

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