Highlander's Beautiful Liar A Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance Historical Novel - Adamina Young Page 0,26

while locked away for six months. My only reason for returning is to see that Lana’s future is secure. She’s my sister, and she shines brighter than the sun.”

Reaching over, Mary took her hand and squeezed. “Whatever ye need, I’ll help ye. But there’s nothing ye can do tonight, so steal away so ye can dance with me, and I can see a genuine smile on that face. All right?”

“All right. I’ll see what I can do.”

The day passed slowly. Cora watched from the window as Alec and his friends continued to train the MacKay men. Although she knew very little of fighting, she could see the improvement. Today, it looked as though Alec was breaking a sweat. Either his techniques were working, or the clan wanted to impress the older man watching.

From her perch, she watched King Edward. There was no change in his expression, nothing to signify whether he was pleased or disappointed by the new laird’s actions. Part of her was thankful to the man for sending Innes Campbell away, but the other greatly feared his power. If he understood the cruelty of the man, why would he order her marriage?

On the other hand, he could have handed the MacKays over to Innes instead of Alec. So what did that say about him?

Suddenly, as though he felt her burning gaze upon them, Alec looked up sharply. Seeing his distraction, Edward did the same. Gasping, Cora stumbled back from the window. Her heart beat wildly in her chest as she sat heavily on the bed.

Tonight, during the festivities, she would take another chance at escape. Alec would be too distracted to notice, and she’d finally be able to put all of this mess behind her.

Hours later, when the muted sound of music reached her ears, she quietly opened the door and slipped out. Alec had taken away her disguise, sword, everything she had packed away. If she thought to survive the journey, she’d have to search his chambers first.

The hall was deserted. She rapidly made her way to the stairwell and climbed the stairs to the guest chambers. She couldn’t remember which was his, but she remembered that it was on the end. One by one, she cracked the doors open and peered in until she finally found the one that stirred her memories. His searing touch. The kiss that had easily wiped away her resolve. The desperate desire for more.

With a shuddering breath, she pushed the memories aside and gathered the things that had been so thoughtlessly tossed in the corner. When she’d found everything that she needed, she quietly backed out of the room and slowly closed the door.

“Either ye truly are a thief, or ye seek to spend the night in Alec Sinclair’s bed,” a rough voice commented behind her. Gasping, Cora whirled around. At the sight of King Edward, all the blood drained from her face.

“Your Majesty,” Cora stuttered. “I had thought that you would be downstairs enjoying the celebration. It is, after all, in your honor.”

A small smile played along his lips. “I appreciate the honor of yer greeting, but it does not quite meet yer eyes. I’m not yer King, am I?”

“That doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve my respect,” Cora whispered.

“I am an old man. I needed to rest before tonight. Would ye do me the honor of escorting me down?”

Panicked, Cora looked down at the bundle in her arms. Not only would she not be able to escape, but Alec would be furious if he found her on the arm of the King. But how could she disobey? Edward saw her dilemma and chuckled. “I saw ye spying on us during the training. Sinclair was rather closed-mouthed about ye when I asked, but I quickly discovered that not everyone would hide ye. Yer friend Mary was quite open when it came to ye.”

Bloody hell, Mary! “What did you learn?”

“I learned that you are a mystery. No one seems to know where ye came from or who ye are. Six months ye’ve spent in the dungeons, and no one knows yer crime. If ye’ve nothing to fear, why not explain the truth to Alec and win yer freedom?”

“I have answered his questions. I am not a thief, but he does not believe me. I find it rather strange that I would confess my sins and still be accused of lying,” Cora said defiantly.

Edward laughed. “I do know that Alec Sinclair is a fair man. ’Tis why I chose him.”

“I would think

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