Highlander's Beautiful Liar A Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance Historical Novel - Adamina Young Page 0,29

than this?” Alec asked incredulously. Someone bumped into her, and she stumbled into his arms. As her body molded against his, he caught his breath. Beneath the thin serving dress, he could feel every curve of her body.

“You could be so easily rid of me,” she breathed as she stared at him. “If you would only let me go.”

“And why would I want to be rid of ye?” he asked silkily. “When I can keep ye here until ye consent to be mine.”

“You would seduce a thief?”

“I would think ye’d be happy. While I slept in my bed, sated from yer body, ye could take whatever yer heart desires. Unless, of course, there’s nothing here that ye want?”

“Maybe I’ve already obtained what I came here for,” she said as she turned her face towards him. Unable to help himself, he bent his head to taste her again when someone slapped him hard on the back.

Furious, he whirled around only to find Jamie handing him a tankard of ale. “Forgive me, but ye looked like ye might do something ye wouldn’t want prying eyes to see,” he said meaningfully.

“Please excuse me,” Cora said suddenly as she bolted through the crowd. Alec watched as she curtsied in front of Edward and exchanged some words. Whatever he said must have greatly upset her. With her shoulders slumped in defeat, she returned to her chair and pushed her plate of food away.

Jamie shook his head. “Ye weren’t really going to kiss her in front of everyone, were ye?”

“She means to escape,” Alec said as he stared at her. “I think I mean to let her.”

“So ye’ll let her go then? Perhaps then you can focus on the problem at hand.”

Alec grabbed the tankard and headed back to the table. Nodding his head to Cora, he took his seat next to Edward. “Miss Claire, I’ve decided that ye’ve paid yer dues. Ye are welcome to leave this very night. I’ll make sure ye have a horse and all the provisions that ye need.”

“Really?” Cora breathed. “I promise that I’ll send everything back as soon as I get home. Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me.”

“Miss Claire, I must insist that ye not leave until tomorrow,” Edward said quickly. “I would like yer company awhile longer.”

“Of course, Your Majesty.”

Edward took a sip of his ale and pushed his empty plate aside. “Yer kitchen staff is excellent, Sinclair. I have to admit that I am pleased with the improvements that ye’ve made here, but I still fear that ye have much to do. I can see that despite the merriment happening here, ye have not quite won over the respect of the MacKays. I understand that not more than a week has passed, and it takes time.”

“Yes, Sire.”

“Still, the MacKays talk highly of Innes Campbell. I’m afraid it might take more than just time to win them over. I gave ye this position because ye have shown strength and wisdom over the years, but I may have underestimated the MacKay pride. While I would have my orders followed, I’ll not have dissension among this land,” Edward warned.

Alec swallowed hard. Was Edward already going to remove him from his new position? “I understand,” he said quietly.

“Eight months ago, I’d signed a decree giving Innes the right to take over this clan rather than Seth once Duncan MacKay passed away,” Edward said easily. “All he had to do was marry a young woman.”

“Excuse me?” This was the first time that Alec had ever heard of this. “Yer only requirement was that he take a wife?”

“No, not just any wife. I verra much wanted the MacKay blood to stay in charge. Duncan approached me and told me of his fears that his son would see the clan in ruin. Tales of Seth’s cruelty had reached me, but it only seemed right than a MacKay rule the MacKays. Duncan informed me that he had a daughter. I agreed that if Innes Campbell married Duncan’s daughter, he could disown Seth MacKay.”

Next to him, Cora stilled. Alec cocked his head. “So what happened?”

“A little more than six months ago, Duncan went to England to retrieve his daughter. Alas, they were both slain by highway robbers upon their journey.”

“Six months ago?” Alec stared at Cora. He’d met Duncan a handful of times. Those green eyes...that lush auburn hair...

Edward smiled. “Yes, indeed. If by some miracle, the girl survived, whomever married her would gain the respect of the MacKay

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