Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,51

to love them. Otherwise, we would probably wind up killing them.” Mairi chuckled.

Anna giggled. Mairi smoothed a strand of hair from Anna’s face. “So, do I know this braw swain of yers?” She gave Anna a sly look.

“Aunt Mairi, you are as bad as your daughter!”

They laughed till both were in tears. A somber thought soon ended Anna’s merriment. Hesitating to make eye contact, she asked, “Do you think me good enough for your son?”

Mairi pulled Anna into her arms. “If I knew no more than the fact ye risked yer life against six men to save two innocent lasses, I would know enough to say aye. Having gotten to know ye these past few weeks has only deepened my affections for ye. As the daughter of a baron, and the granddaughter of a laird, ye are of noble blood, and a good match for Duncan.”

“Even without lands or a dowry?”

Mairi swept her hand in a half circle. “Look about. Do the MacGregors need more wealth? As a mother, I would rather see my son happy than saddled in a marriage without love for more land or coin.”

Anna kissed her cheek. “Thank you.”

“Ye have the advantage, of course. If my son ever acts in any manner but a gentleman, just tell me. His father and I shall take him to task.”

Anna smiled at the image. “I believe I can handle your son, Mairi.”

Chapter 13

Anna caught Mairi’s wink as she filled Kenneth’s goblet with ale. “Husband, Duncan and Anna propose a trip to Graham market for supplies. I have sent word to those who would like to offer goods for sale or barter.”

The laird tore off a chunk of bread and turned to Duncan. “Who do ye think to take?”

“I thought Liam and Rory in one wagon, Donnan and Ross for the other. Malcolm and Ian plus me and Anna should be enough.”

“Very well. When do ye leave?”

“Mayhap five days. Does it suit ye?”

The laird nodded as he took another slice of venison from the platter. “Aye. See if they have some of the wine ye fetched last trip.”

While discussion of the trip continued, Anna realized she was more aware of Duncan than ever. The current seating arrangement always put Anna furthest away from him. Her gaze frequently sought him out, often catching him staring at her. She felt the memory of his lips on hers and hungered to have them there again.

She saw Lady MacGregor’s serene smile and the laird’s half-scowl, and blushed to think they understood the shared glances between her and Duncan. Nessa chattered away, oblivious to the actions of those around her.

“Did anyone hear me?” Nessa asked impatiently, hand on her hip as she stared at Anna and Duncan. The two of them exchanged quick glances, and Mairi smiled indulgently. The laird shook his head and called for more ale.

“I want to know if Anna can bring back velvet to make new gowns.”

“Of course, Nessa. I will be happy to purchase any fabric you ladies might require.” With a last look at Duncan, she listened attentively as Nessa discussed various dress styles.

After the meal, they rose from the table. Rather than joining his father at the hearth, Duncan chatted with the women. Mairi smiled at his behavior, while Nessa gaped at him like he had grown an additional head. Though uncertain why he stayed near them, Anna found herself glad for the additional time in his presence.

As soon as Mairi excused herself to retire for the evening, Duncan spoke. “Anna, would ye like to go for a walk?”

Nessa whipped her head around, waiting to hear Anna’s response.

“Yes, I would.”

A grin split Nessa’s face, lighting her features with joy. A blush heated Anna at Nessa’s reaction. She accepted the arm Duncan offered, and they headed out the door. As they strolled toward the gardens outside the keep, Duncan lifted her hand to his lips, his breath warm on her skin as he kissed her fingers. Moonlight filtered through the clouds, bathing their path in silver light.

Stopping beneath a large oak tree, Duncan leaned against the trunk, pulling Anna into his embrace. She placed her hands on his chest and settled her cheek on his shoulder. Taking a deep breath, she savored his touch and scent. He no longer smelled like horses and leather. The heady, masculine scent belonging only to him filled her senses. They stood several minutes in silence, soaking up each other’s presence.

“Ye are less confused tonight.”

She was glad he sensed the difference. “Yes. I had

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