Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,52

a discussion with my favorite aunt this afternoon.”

Drawing back slightly, Duncan scrunched his brow, waiting for the rest.

Anna saw the question on his face. Cocking a smile, she laid her head back on his shoulder. “Your mother has asked to be my female counsel.”

His body shook with a mild laugh. “That must have been difficult.”

She shrugged. “What choice do I have? I have experienced nothing like this before and refuse to remain in the dark.”

“I am glad ye have someone to talk to. I cannae think how it has been for ye not to have an older woman to rely on all these years.”

His voice rumbled in his chest and the vibration enticed her to draw closer.

“Your mother has been wonderful. I needed to be sure she approves of me. I want to understand what is happening to me, and do my part…”

Duncan waited for her to finish her thought. She didn’t. “Do your part?” He firmed his embrace, prompting her to explain.

She didn’t answer right away. Her lungs filled deeply before she exhaled with force. “To do my part if you decide to keep me.”

Duncan couldn’t believe his ears. She sought out information from his own mother so she could better understand how to become his what? His friend, his lover, his mistress? No, he couldn’t dishonor her by using her that way. He knew they’d already progressed well beyond companionship, past friendship. Marriage was his intent.

Placing his hands on either side of her face, he gazed at her. Anna’s confession merited one from him in return.

“I have felt this pull since the first day I saw ye. I thought ’twas simply desire, as when a man sees a lass who pleases him. I have learned what I feel for ye surpasses simple desire. I’ve never wanted to court anyone before. ’Tis new to me as well.”

His words made her smile. Gazing into his eyes, she asked, “I wondered…”

Meeting her gaze, he mirrored her smile. “What is it, my Anna?”

“Might we kiss again? I promise to be more careful this time.”

Before he could answer, Anna reached both hands around his neck and pulled his mouth to hers. Though she knew better what to expect this time, she found herself swept away as quickly and as thoroughly as before. Hungrily, she kissed him, savoring his taste. How was it possible to want someone this intensely?

Anna molded around his body, needing to get closer. Warmth spread through her, heating every nerve. Her hands found their way under his tunic to his back, craving contact with his skin. She reveled in running her hands over the sculpted muscles quivering under her touch. It empowered her to know she affected him so. His hands did the same to her, accelerating her heart rate, her breathing. With each touch, he set small fires crackling across her skin. It was not enough. Needing his hands everywhere, she ached for skin-on-skin contact.

Duncan broke contact, muttering a low oath. “Bluidy hell woman! Ye will be the death of me.”

She fixed her gaze on him. Both out of breath, they teetered on the edge of control.

“Aye, ’twill be a sweet death, no doubt,” she answered, imitating his burr.

He enclosed her in his arms again, and she felt his lips smile when he kissed her forehead and whispered, “Nae doubt.”

In a stupor, she leaned against him as he escorted her back to the keep. His parting kiss landed light as the fall of snowflakes. What it lacked in ardor it made up with tenderness. Anna staggered upstairs, clinging to the rope rail along the wall. Nessa ambushed her the instant she opened the door.

“I knew it! Ye and Duncan!” Nessa erupted, dancing with excitement.

Anna realized there’d be no denying it. She knew she had to look different. Her cheeks warmed with remembrance of their passion, and her lips felt swollen from kissing. She simply smiled at Nessa, remembering her teasing from a few weeks ago. Was it only weeks? It seemed much longer. Anna calmly sat down and prepared for bed.

“Ye must tell me.”

Anna ignored her plea, refusing to meet her gaze. “Whatever do you mean?” she drawled lazily, her voice as innocent as she could muster. With a squeal of indignation, Nessa launched herself at Anna, catching her off guard and tumbling them both to the bed.

The absurdity of her behavior sent Anna into peals of uncontrolled laughter. Unable to resist, Nessa followed suit, and they found themselves entwined in a fit of uncontained hysterics. Once their mirth

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