Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,49

ye approach all else.”

Tilting her head back to see his expression, she asked, “Is that a good or bad thing?”

The rumble of light laughter in his chest teased her nipples.

“’Tis a verra good thing. Howbeit, we need to be careful.”

Careful? What did he mean? The realization hit her. She looked down, seeing what she’d felt from him.

“If we had continued, we would have mated?” Having grown up around horses, she knew enough about nature to understand the basics of this part. Besides, her father’s men hadn’t censored their stories if they thought her out of earshot.

His expression changed to a serious one. “I wouldnae let us go that far. I am not one to tumble a lass in the stables. Ye are a noblewoman, and I will treat you thus. I wish to court ye, not take advantage of yer innocence. Yer response was wonderful, but…unexpected. I half believed ye would take a swing at me.” He chuckled again. “I promise to be more careful next time.”

She instantly liked the idea of next time. Glancing outside, she noticed the position of the sun in the sky. Morning had given way to afternoon. After a trying few hours, Anna felt emotionally spent.

“My mother wanted me to remind ye ’tis yer afternoon with her.”

She’d forgotten.

“She knows about this morn. She said she would wait for ye in the great hall—not to worry about being late.”

Still in a daze from Duncan’s kisses, Anna walked to Nessa’s room. She washed and changed out of her torn, bloodstained clothes. Wandering downstairs, she glanced about for Lady MacGregor. Mairi rose from a chair in front of the main hearth, a look of concern in her eyes as she reached to embrace Anna.

“Anna, I heard about today. Are ye well?”

She wasn’t, but not because of what Mairi thought. “I suspect I shall be fine.”

Mairi took Anna’s hand. “Come, let us walk.”

They strolled down the path, reaching their garden bench. Mairi patted the seat, inviting Anna to sit.

“I dinnae pretend to know what ’tis like to take a life, but I will listen if ye wish to speak of it.”

Anna smiled, knowing she tried to offer comfort in her way. Killing Shamus wasn’t what disturbed her. True enough, taking any life was terrible, but she no longer had a sense of guilt about Shamus.

“No, I have no need to talk about this morning.” A look of relief washed over Mairi’s face. Anna’s smile faded. If Mairi knew what she did want to talk about, she might rather speak of killing. How can I ask Mairi about this? Duncan’s own mother? The very thought of it crippled her tongue, yet her ignorance compelled her to seek information.

She had already decided Nessa was an inappropriate source. At five and ten years, anything she did know, she probably shouldn’t. Further, she wasn’t ready to face the certain ‘I told you so’ looks she would have to endure if Nessa found out. She could either talk with Mairi, or continue along in the dark. As someone who pursued knowledge with zeal, being completely daft on this subject proved intolerable, particularly since it had such a powerful effect on her. She decided to swallow her pride.

Taking a deep breath, she forged ahead. “There is another matter. Something I am terribly embarrassed to admit not understanding.”

“Of course, my dear. How may I be of help?” A soft expression reflected Mairi’s curious and supportive tone.

Anna closed her eyes and steadied herself. “Do you remember asking me to not think of you as Lady MacGregor during these times, but as my dear aunt?”

Mairi squeezed Anna’s hand. “Aye, of course. Ye can ask me anything.”

Anna shot her a look of apprehension. “I fear what I wish to speak of may cause my favorite aunt to succumb to convulsions.”

Mairi raised an eyebrow, giving a sly smile at her prediction. “Try me.”

Forcing out a breath, Anna launched her first question. “Tell me about passion between a man and a woman.” Anna scanned her face for signs of her reaction.

The corners of Mairi’s mouth tilted up farther.

“Passion is one of the most powerful forces in nature. It can override sound judgment and has been the downfall of good men and women. But ’tis also one of the greatest gifts a man and woman can share. Ye havenae experienced this before?” She sounded surprised.

“No,” Anna whispered, heat spreading on her face.

Mairi gave her the same look of disbelief her daughter had a few days before.

Anna felt the need to

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