Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,48

and considering me a friend, evokes a strong emotion, one I am not sure I can name. I have felt utterly alone for some time.” The lump in her throat grew and tears threatened to escape.

“Whether or not ye see it, ye are very bonny. I will be happy to remind ye daily. Ye arenae alone anymore, Anna. Ye are part of us now. Ye have a new home, a new clan.”

The remaining apprehension she’d held evaporated with his gentle words. Anna melted into his arms, shifting to draw closer. She reveled in his warmth as they pressed against each other from knee to shoulder. Anna felt the beating of his heart as clearly as her own. Both set a rapid pace. His hand moved upward and caressed her scalp, smoothing her hair. She understood now how her old cat felt when she stroked her fur. If she could, she would purr as loudly as the one-eyed stable cat.

Duncan slowly released her. Cold replaced the heat of his body and an urge surfaced to touch him again. He placed his hands on either side of her face, bringing her eyes to his gaze. She floundered, still confused by the emotions swirling within her.

“Duncan, what does this mean? Why do I feel this way?” She felt so stupid, so ignorant. How could she not know more about this part of life?

His eyes shone with something she didn’t recognize. “It means, my sweet Anna, I have offered to court ye, and ye have said aye.”

She tilted her head. “It does?”

He smiled warmly at her. “Does it not feel that way to ye?”

Anna searched for an answer. She thought about how she felt both times in his embrace, how much she enjoyed being around him. She considered the words he’d said to her earlier. He thought her to be beautiful, was proud of her.

“Yes it does. What comes next?”

He chuckled lightly. “How can ye be so knowledgeable about so many things and know naught about this?”

Heat raced up her neck and across her cheeks. Self-conscious, she ducked her head.

“Please dinnae be embarrassed. I meant no offense. I mean to say ye are so innocent in this regard. ’Tis hard for me to believe I finally found a subject where I may teach ye something.” He gently tilted her chin up. “The next step will be for us to spend time with each other, getting to know one another more, developing trust, becoming better friends.”

Her brows furrowed. “But Duncan, we already spend time together each day.”

“Aye, we will continue to do so, but now we can add closeness to our time together if ye like.”

She considered his answer, deciding she liked it indeed.

“Also, we will share kisses.”

The flutter in Anna’s stomach increased with something akin to fear.

Perking up an eyebrow, Duncan asked, “Have ye not kissed a man before?”

Embarrassment returned unbidden. Unable to speak, she shook her head. Duncan’s gaze fell to her mouth. Anna’s tongue moistened her lips in anticipation.

Duncan slowly lowered his face and softly touched his lips to hers. The sensation was exquisite. Warmth spread over her body, chasing her fears into a hasty retreat. She rose on the balls of her feet to meet him, changing the soft touch to something firmer, more exciting. All sense of herself fled in the face of this new awareness. A hunger developed and she knew Duncan could answer it. With a sense of desperation, her hands firmly grasped the back of his neck, pulling him against her.

Duncan responded in kind to her bold move. His hand slid to the small of her back, pressing her into him, curving her body around his frame. She grew short of breath, and her lips parted. Duncan’s breath and tongue pushed her further and a moan escaped her throat. He toyed with her lips, gently nipping and pulling at them, his tongue drawing lines across them before darting into her mouth to make further contact.

He tasted wonderful, wild, intoxicating. Tentatively, Anna mimicked his motions. With each swirl of their tongues, the kiss deepened. Anna broke away, no longer able to breathe. She stood in his arms, dazed, panting.

Duncan put distance between them. His eyes glowed and she noted he was as out of breath as she.

“Duncan, what was that?”

He wrapped her in his arms again. Anna delighted in the sensation. He pressed his lips to her hair above her ear.

“That, my sweet Anna, was passion. I should have guessed ye would approach kissing with the same fervor

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