Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,69

lips with my own,” her body trembles and I capture her screams of pleasure as her orgasm crashes through her body. My tongue tangles with hers and I eagerly climb between her legs, shoving my dick into her hot cunt.

Her back bows, and she breaks our heated kiss to scream out into the hot air between us. I buck my hips, slamming ruthlessly into her and riding through her orgasm.

I stare into her eyes, knowing I want that with her. That fantasy. I need it in my life.

I pick up my pace, already feeling my orgasm approaching and watch as the realization of what’s just happened crosses her eyes.

I almost say words I don’t mean. I’m just caught in the moment. But as she cups the back of my head and crushes her lips against mine, I lose control of everything. I kiss her back with a passion I thought I once knew and I bury myself to the hilt, spilling my cum deep inside of her tight walls.

As the waves of pleasure wrack through me, I ignore the thoughts creeping in. I see her beautiful eyes shining with devotion, and I close my own, wanting to deny what’s clearly between us. Our ragged breath mingles as I stare at the nightstand and try to pull myself together.

I purchased her as a distraction. That’s all this is. Even as I brace my body on top of hers and catch my breath while she softly kisses my neck, I ignore the feelings creeping into the crevices of my mind.

Chapter 22


“I came for the first time ever without having to think about being forced,” I confess to Carla while chewing on a salty french fry, and gazing out into the beautiful skyline through the floor-to-ceiling windows. We’re sitting in Explicit Designs’ famed cafeteria, enjoying lunch together. Ravenous for once, I’m enjoying a big fat cheeseburger, fries and a vanilla shake, while Carla is having the same thing, except her shake is milk chocolate.

I’ve finally told Carla about Lucian's habits in bed, though I don’t think I’ve had much choice in the matter.

For the past few days, Carla has hounded me about the details of my relationship with Lucian and I’ve finally given in to her incessant prying. Mainly because I so badly want to share my dilemma with someone who understands where I’m coming from. I've kept the details to the bare minimum, keeping it casual and not divulging how my world has been completely shaken up. I still feel like I can lean on her though. Like I can trust her and share this little piece of myself with her. Even if she doesn't realize just how much it means to me.

Taking a sip of her shake, Carla chuckles, her eyes alight with mischief. She looks absolutely lovely today sporting a ruby red dress, the hem coming just above her knees and showing off her nice calves, her hair pulled back into a ponytail with a curl on the end, and her nails painted the same color as her dress. Red pumps adorn her feet, and I think she’d give even the most seasoned fashion model a run for her money with how much she’s working that outfit. She sure is a vision in red, let me tell you. “So what’s so bad about that?”

I shake my head, biting into another fry and doing a little shrug. “I don’t know. Don’t you think it’s weird that I couldn’t get off without fantasizing about that before?”

Carla waves a fry at my face as she swallows down a huge gulp of her shake. “Hell no. That’s why we’re Subs. We like it kinky… and rough. I can see how someone can find it hard to get off without that fantasy.” She makes a face. “It’s not something that’s a problem for me, but I definitely can relate.”

The way she’s acting makes me want to tell her about the rape, but I fight down the urge.

I’ve gone this long without telling her, I think to myself, there’s no reason to tell her now. Besides, she just accepts that’s it’s a fantasy, and that’s all she needs to know.

Carla lets out a little evil chuckle, pulling me out of my thoughts. “Although… Lucian must be a real grandmaster in the bedroom to make you cum without that fantasy.”


The very thought of him fills me with hope. And despair.

For the first time ever, I’d cum without the fantasy of being raped. I’m still in shock. It’s

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