Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,68

breath of air from the chill of the steel. “You’re going to tell me all your fantasies, Dahlia.” I turn on the vibrator as it hits her opening. Dahlia’s eyes close, and her lips part slightly. She doesn’t move though, she knows better than to move. I slowly work it up to her clit, watching her face and her body for her reactions. I want to know exactly where that sweet spot is. Her thighs twitch, and her back arches slightly as I reach the underside of her throbbing clit. Bingo.

“But none of the ones you’re thinking.” I continue my path over and around her clit and then back down. I can see how much she’s resisting the need to writhe with pleasure. If I have to, I’ll restrain her, but I don’t think I’ll need to.

“So tell me your fantasies,” I say easily, getting comfortable in my position and knowing this may take a while.

“Any?” she asks me.

I shrug and say, “You can. You’ll see what they reward you.”

She takes in a sharp inhale as I round the sensitive spot and then she starts, “I dream about being alone at night.” Her voice is soft and husky. A blush brings color to her chest and face.

“There’s a man behind me. I can hear him, but I’m too afraid to turn around so I walk faster, but he catches me.” Her breathing comes in quicker, and her body tenses as the vibrator comes closer to where it needs to please.

“He pins me to the brick wall of an alley,” her voice goes tight with need, and her thighs tremble as I hold the wand in place.

“Who is this man?” I ask her, my dick hard with need.

“No one, a stranger, I don’t know,” she answers quickly.

She whimpers when I pull the wand away and leave her on edge. The hum fills the room as her eyes snap open and she stares at me with hurt in her eyes.

“Let’s try a different one,” I tell her. Her mouth falls open, and she swallows thickly as she realizes what I’m doing. She closes her eyes and nods.

Her throat is hoarse as she slowly says, “I… I dream about being on a date.” Her forehead is pinched, and I know she’s lying.

I pull the vibrator away and she doesn’t even look at me. “Don’t lie to me, treasure. Next time I’ll punish you.”

“I’m sorry,” she says weakly.

“Maybe I should tell you a story?” I offer, “and you can finish it?”

“Yes please, sir.”

“I dream about taking a beautiful girl and locking her in my office at work.” Dahlia’s eyes snap open, and she looks back at me with a questioning gaze. “She stays under the desk as I sit at my chair.”

“Do you think this could be your fantasy?” I ask her.

She nods her head, shifting slightly on the bed. I quicken the pace of the vibrator as she starts her story.

“I wait for you on my knees.” She bites down on her lip and then looks back at me. “You take your cock out as you sit down and stroke it. A bead of precum starts to drip,” her voice goes a little higher as I put the vibrator to the underside of her clit and hold it there. She struggles to stay still as she continues her story. “I lick it. You moan,” her head thrashes to the side. “So sexy when you moan like that.” I ease off the pressure and massage circles around her clit. “You love it when I take you in deep. Your hands fist in my hair.” Her breathing picks up as I put the vibrator onto her most sensitive spot. Her face scrunches, and her mouth opens wide.

“Keep going, or I’ll stop.”

Her fingers dig into the mattress as she continues. “You shove your cock down my throat. You push me up and down your dick. I can feel you all the way at the back of my throat!” Her upper body lifts off the bed as she screams out, close to her release.

My dick twitches with the need to give her what she needs, but I can’t. Not yet.

“And then I pull out of your mouth.” I continue with the story, letting her concentrate on controlling her body. Her breathing comes in harsh pants. “I pull you up, grabbing the hair at the base of your skull.”

Her mouth makes a perfect “O” and her body tenses, her neck arches. “And I kiss you. I take your

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