Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,26

humor doesn’t do anything to ease the anger flowing through me. She’s mine.

White finally breaks my gaze and sets his paddle on the table. I stare him down as the auctioneer says, “One point six million, going once… going twice,” he takes a final look around the room and I swear to God if anyone were to speak I’d lose my shit, “Sold! For one point six million.”

I watch as the woman, Dahlia, gasps. My treasure is ushered off the stage with unsteady steps in her patent leather heels as she tries to collect herself. A smile grows along my lips as I stand to go to the office in the back where I’ll collect her after the auction is done.

“Congratulations, sir,” Zander says with a smirk.

“You should have bid two mil, you pussy,” Isaac says to Zander, and I finally huff out a small laugh.

“Maybe next month I’ll fuck with him,” Zander says before taking a sip of his whiskey.

I ignore them and watch as Dahlia disappears from my sight.

I knew the moment I saw her that I had to have her.

And now she’s mine. I own her. A few sheets of paper stand in the way. And then tomorrow morning, I'll have my Submissive all to myself. I’m dying to get a taste tonight, but the rules must be followed. And that means one last night to herself, and then she’s mine.

The door to the office I’ve been sitting at for nearly an hour finally opens, and my hand tightens around the tumbler on the table. The ice clinks as I move the cool glass, bringing it to my lips. My eyes never leave the door as I take a sip of the aged whiskey.

It opens seamlessly, revealing Madam Lynn in her scarlet dress. She’s a gorgeous woman with poise and grace, but I ignore her entirely, waiting for Dahlia to be revealed. Her shoulders are hunched inward slightly, and her head’s down. Although she originally walked in with her eyes on me, they immediately fell to the floor.

It’s like she’s scared to look at me. Maybe she’s overwhelmed. I imagine that’s normal, and I’ll be sure to put her at ease. The pamphlet only gave a tiny bit of information about Dahlia, my treasure.

I know she’s a first-time Submissive. Her information indicated she hasn’t been trained, which only makes my dick harder and me more eager to get her back home and in the playroom. So her looking down is an instinctual Submissive behavior. That’s fucking perfect.

She looks even more beautiful close up as she walks to the glass table and takes a seat across from me and next to Madam Lynn. The madam slaps a stack of papers down on the table, finally gaining my attention.

She smirks when I look at her.

I only care about two sheets in that entire packet. The non-disclosure agreement, and the page where Dahlia signs and consents to be my Submissive for the next thirty days.

“Madam Lynn, Dahlia,” I greet them both, although my eyes are firmly on Dahlia. At the mention of her name those beautiful wide eyes look up at me.

“Are you going to be keeping your mask on? Or is it acceptable to reveal your identity?” Madam Lynn asks.

Ah, yes. I slip off the mask and place it on the table. I’d forgotten about the damn thing. I know Dahlia has already signed an NDA for the auction, and I want her to get a good look at me and read my expression.

I don’t want her to question how much I truly want her.

“Dahlia, meet your new Dominant, Lucian.” Madam Lynn leans back in her chair as Dahlia extends her hand to me.

A smirk plays at my lips. She’s so fucking cute. I play along, shaking her hand. When our skin touches, her soft small hand in mine, my body ignites with desire. The urge to pull her close to me takes over, a spark heating between us. I release her and move my hand to my lap before I do something stupid and take her before the contracts are signed.

I clear my throat. “Let’s get this over with.”

“Eager, are we?” Madam Lynn thinks she’s funny.

She sets a sheet of paper in the middle of the table and points to a list with a thin silver pen. The list has several boxes checked, but some are empty.

“Do the two of you consent and agree upon the following conditions?” I look through the list carefully. The checked boxes are

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