Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,27

the ones that Dahlia desires, and the unchecked boxes are hard limits, meaning we won’t be engaging in those activities.

I read through each stipulation carefully, making sure our tastes are agreeable. For the most part, it’s my choice on things while she’s still finding her limits. She’s new to this lifestyle, so she’s been assigned cream as her color for now. With over fifty specific fetishes on the list there are only a handful of hard limits, such as: scat, blood, breathing and permanent marks which remain unchecked. I agree with her on all of those, and I'm not interested in them either.

The boxes checked include the usual: anal, bondage light and bondage heavy, nipple play, deprivation, spreader bars, and other kinks and fetishes. Fisting is also included, which makes me look up at this petite little thing with mild surprise. She blushes violently as I take in her expression. We could work up to that. I imagine she checked it as a soft limit.

I sit back and nod my head, accepting the pen from Madam Lynn. “Everything looks perfect to me.” I sign on the line.

“Wonderful,” Madam Lynn says as she takes the sheet and pulls out another. I’m getting anxious, and I can’t stop staring at my treasure. She’s not looking at me, and I know she’s nervous; in fact, I enjoy that she’s nervous. But I’m going to need some privacy to take full advantage of that.

We sign a few more papers, including the NDA I require.

“Alright, and now to summarize the above terms and conditions. You, Mr. Lucian Stone, are agreeing to act as Dahlia Days' Dominant at the locations of your choice for the duration of the next thirty days which will end at precisely one minute past midnight on the fifteenth of the following month of December. As her Dominant, you agree to the terms and conditions in the above contract, including and accepting that at any point Miss Days can terminate the contract and end the relationship entirely.”

I nod my head as Madam Lynn pauses and glances at me. “And Dahlia Days acknowledges and accepts that by leaving this arrangement, all monetary gains in the sum of half of one point six million, which is the equivalent of eight hundred thousand dollars.” Dahlia looks as though she’s going to faint as Madam Lynn rattles off the figure, “will be forfeit.” She turns to Dahlia, who’s completely lost in thought; it’s obvious she’s still in slight shock. After a few seconds, my treasure sits upright and nods her head.

“Yes, I understand.”

“I’ll need you to sign here,” Madam Lynn says, and I wait for Dahlia to sign, my hands itching for the pen. “And Mr. Stone,” Madam Lynn hands me the pen and I’m quick to scribble my signature.

“Your thirty days starts tomorrow,” Madam Lynn says, finalizing the procedure. It’s about fucking time.

“I’d like you at my address at eight in the morning,” I say and scratch my address down on the pad of paper. I took tomorrow off just so I could enjoy her fully for the first day. I may be a workaholic, but my treasure is a real treat, and I’m going to need time to explore every inch of her body and test how every subtle touch affects her.

“But I-”

I stop and look up at her, not knowing why Dahlia would object. Maybe she doesn’t have transportation. “I can have a car pick you up, if you’d rather?” I offer her.

“I can drive. I just wasn’t expecting it to start so early. And I thought maybe we’d be at the club?”

“You’ll be in my playroom for training, and you’ll be available when I want you, which will be all times of the day and night, treasure.” She gasps slightly, and her eyes widen.

“I-” she starts to answer, and then looks at Madam Lynn as if she’s the one she should be speaking to. I’m her Dom, for fuck’s sake.

“You what? Tell me what’s bothering you.” I’m getting irritated by her hesitation, and my tone reflects that. She doesn’t seem too bothered by it though, which is good. She’s going to have to get used to it.

“I have an internship,” she answers hesitantly. The poor girl hardly looks like she’s breathing. She can’t even look me in the eyes. Her shyness, nerves and even the hint of fear are all endearing.

“Why was that not included in the contract?” I ask her.

Madam Lynn opens a folder and produces a sheet, sliding it across

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