Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,25

ten women tonight. So I’m perfectly fine with them sitting this one out. I’d like to find someone who’d suit me well, and there’s one I’m eager to see.

I shake my head as a man I don’t recognize starts the bidding off at five hundred thousand, raising his white paddle that’s barely visible.

The woman is beautiful, and the pamphlet indicates she’s experienced as does the black rose in her hands. But the next woman is the one I’m impatient to see.

“Six hundred thousand,” the auctioneer says loudly, searching through the crowd and then nodding his head. “Seven to the gentleman on the right.” I turn and see Zander’s raised his paddle.

He smiles broadly as the original man yells out, “Eight hundred thousand!”

“Stop fucking with him, Zander.” Zander's grin doesn’t fade as he sets the paddle down and shrugs at Isaac.

“You better not do that shit to me,” I tell him. Cocky bastard.

“Is that what you do here?” I ask beneath my breath.

Isaac shakes his head and watches the stage as the woman is sold for nine hundred thousand dollars. “He just started doing it out of sheer boredom. One day you’re going to win one of them,” he turns to face Zander, “and then what?” he asks.

“Then I’ll have myself a Submissive,” Zander says flippantly. Isaac answers with something, but I don’t catch it.

The woman I’ve been waiting for walks out on stage. Her nude heels click on the ground, and it’s all I can hear as she walks in what seems like slow motion. Everything else turns to white noise, and the only sound in my ears is the steady click, click, click of her nervous steps.

She’s utterly gorgeous, but there’s an obvious innocence about her. I thought I’d be interested when I looked at her information initially, but now I’m certain that I have to have her.

Treasure. She’s the one. Her gold dress clings to her figure and sparkles beautifully, as though she truly belongs in it. The gold tones only make her sun-kissed skin that much more beautiful. My dick is already hard at the thought of my hand leaving a bright red flush across her lush ass.

She centers herself on the stage, looking nervously at the auctioneer and then behind her, at Madam Lynn.

The dusting of sparkles on her dress barely hides her soft curves. I want to see all of her. I want to feel her soft skin. I grip the paddle tighter and rise it up high. “Five hundred thousand,” I call out, starting the bid before the auctioneer can ramble like he did with the first woman.

A man in the far corner, features behind a grey mask that covers three-quarters of his face raises his paddle. “Six.”

Another man in the far back who I recognize as Stephen White, heir and owner of a few local car dealerships, raises his paddle. “Seven hundred thousand.”

Although the thin wood of the paddle pierces deeper into the sweaty palm of my hand as anger washes through me, I maintain my calm demeanor and raise my paddle again. “Eight hundred thousand.”

I watch Dahlia, my treasure, as her skin colors a beautiful red on her chest and up her cheeks with a blush. My dick twitches at the thought of seeing that color on her ass. I can imagine how she’d squirm in my lap as I smacked my hand down with a blistering beating. Gripping her tempting ass before spanking her over and over.

“Nine. One million,” the auctioneer points at each man as they raise their paddles, upping the cost. I don’t care how much I have to pay. She's going to be mine. “One million one hundred thousand. One point one.”

There’s a pause, and he looks around the room through his spectacles. “One point two,” he says as I raise the paddle.

“One point three,” he calls out as the last bidder, White, raises his paddle again. I turn to face him, and although he must be able to feel my eyes boring into the side of his face, he ignores me.

I raise my paddle once more and keep it in the air this time. “One million four hundred thousand,” the auctioneer says. I watch as White raises his and then takes a peek at me as the auctioneer rattles off, “One point five,” my paddle still in the air.

“One point six,” the auctioneer says, pointing to me and then looking back to White.

“Shit’s getting real,” I hear Zander say out of the side of his mouth. His

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