Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,24

good time, and all the times I’ve been in the auction, I’ve never seen a woman not have a man bid on her.”

The woman behind me nods her head and leans forward to peek at the empty stage. “I already know who’s going to be bidding on me this time.”

“Your boyfriend?” I ask. The women laugh, and my insecurity is almost unbearable.

“I don’t have a boyfriend, and I’m not interested in one,” she answers with confidence.

The woman in front of me looks at me as though she’s wondering why I’d even mention a relationship. I feel fucking sick to my stomach, but I close my eyes and remember this is just sex. Good sex. Sex that’s going to give me what I need. When I open my eyes again, I see the woman in front of me smiling.

“That’s what you should be focusing on,” she says with a knowing look. “Just enjoy yourself,” she concludes as her eyes roam my body and she looks out beyond the door to the stage once more.

Madam Lynn opens the entrance door behind us with a clipboard in her hand, and a petite brunette in bright pink high heels in tow. She looks like she’s struggling to keep up with Madam Lynn’s confident stride toward the front.

“Alright, ladies,” Madam Lynn doesn’t look up from the board as she walks toward the stage with everyone turning to face her. “We’ll have Madeline first,” she announces, then looks up and lets a playful smile grace her lips. “I wonder who you’ll be going home to tonight?” she asks beneath her breath with a raised eyebrow. I didn’t even think about leaving the club. I look around the room again and notice all the duffel bags. There are only a few. But it looks like some women have packed an overnight bag. Shit. For the first time since I’ve seen her, the beautiful woman in front of me actually blushes. “Dahlia, you’ll be next,” she says as she turns to me, and I can feel everyone’s eyes on me.

Madam Lynn’s eyes travel down my body and then back up to meet mine as she brushes the hair out of my face. “Let’s keep your hair behind you and not cover up your breasts. Take your bra off as well.” She moves on, continuing to list the ladies and doing a thorough check of each as my heart sputters in my chest. Another assistant is carrying a handful of roses, ten total, in a variety of colors. She passes each girl a rose in turn. I carefully take the cream-colored rose as she hands it to me. Although the thorns are gone, I still feel as though simply holding the rose in my hand is going to hurt me.

I step out of line and reach behind my back to unclip the bra and let it fall. My breasts are perky, but they sag slightly from their weight. I look in the mirror, feeling even more self-conscious.

“You’re beautiful, Dahlia.” I turn to face the woman behind me. “These men know what real women look like.”

I clear my throat, taking my spot back in line and trying not to hide myself, fiddling with the soft petals of the rose. “Thank you,” I say as confidently as I can.

The urge to cross my arms is strong, but I fight it.

“Madeline,” Madam Lynn calls out her name as she opens the door wide. “Let’s go, my dear.”

Madeline walks confidently out onto the stage and I walk quickly to take her place behind the door. Madam Lynn’s hand is firm on Madeline’s shoulder as they walk, their heels clicking and Madam Lynn whispering in Madeline’s ear. She finally releases her, lining her up in the center of the stage.

It’s so bright. Spotlights are shining on her body, and their intensity makes the dress pointless. You can see everything. Fuck. The breath is stolen from my lungs as I look down at my own dress and hear a microphone being turned on.

“Welcome, gentlemen, it’s time for the auction.” At Madam Lynn’s words, the curtains slowly open and Madeline straightens her shoulders, standing tall for all the men to see.

Sucking in a deep breath, I prepare for the auction to start.

Chapter 9


“How about her?” Zander asks with a raised brow. Neither he nor Isaac have their bidding paddles in hand. Judging from their conversation, they aren’t interested in the women tonight. There are at least fifty men in this room, and the pamphlet lists only

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