Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,138

them to stay.

They were all there, her, the rest of my family. They had gifts wrapped and everything. Waiting. Watching. Staring. I hated it. Being there in front of them brought back flashbacks of being taken, but I had to force a smile and pretend to be thrilled while I unwrapped the gifts while they all watched as if waiting for me to break down.

I exhale sharply, something Madam Lynn uttered bringing me to the present. I can have rules and conditions, too. I need to state them before the meeting ends and I end up fucked.

“I—” I begin, my voice hoarse and unsteady. I shift in my seat and stare at the table. He is my Master. He is to have control. But there’s one thing I can’t do.

Under the desk, I feel Madam Lynn’s hand gently rub my thigh in an effort to calm me as I speak. I’m grateful and I feel my anxiety ebb just a little. It’s Isaac. I can tell him.

I lick my lips and swallow and try again. “I would like sunlight. Please don’t take that away,” I plead to him. “I can’t go back into darkness.” I shake my head, feeling a cold chill touch my spine. “Even as a punishment, please.”

Isaac leans across the table and places his hand palm up in front of me.

I instantly grab his hand for the comfort and to show him my obedience.

“Of course you will have sunlight,” Isaac assures me, squeezing my hand. “You need it. You can rest assured that I will never take a need away from you. Ever.”

His words are filled with such conviction, it’s hard not to believe him. I relax slightly as my breathing comes in steadier. And I try to remind myself again, that as my Master, Isaac will only be looking out for my best interests. All I need to do is trust him. He’s already had me multiple times, bringing me such pleasure that I didn’t think was humanly possible. He’s not going to hurt me, and he’s more than shown that he’s a capable Master.

I inhale a calming breath as Madam Lynn sets a gold pen down in front of me. She seems to approve of how this session has come along, her eyes warm and caring. I know this must be gratifying to her since she went through all the trouble to ensure Isaac got his collar around my neck, showing up at the shelter unannounced like that.

“Sign here, my darling,” she urges me gently, her calming voice washing over me like a soothing, healing balm.

“If you’d like to take the night and decide-” she starts to say and Isaac’s eyes whip to Madam Lynn for the first time, pissed off and not agreeing.

I shake my head, ignoring the rest of her words as I pick up the gold-plated pen and quickly signing on the dotted line. It takes a lot of effort to keep my hand steady as a mixture of powerful emotions flows through me and I sign my name. Fear and anxiety are present, but excitement outweighs them.

It’s official. Isaac is my Master for the next thirty days.

Twenty-four hours a day; seven days a week. He will have control of everything. Every. Single. Aspect of my life.

I belong to him.

“I think it’s best I go home with Isaac tonight,” I say, trying to keep my fears from owning my voice. If I don’t leave with him now, tonight I’ll want to run. I know it. I don’t want the chance. I lay the pen flat on the stack of papers, staring at the scroll of my signature.

I’m afraid of giving away my power, and going off the club grounds with Isaac where I’ll be in his domain, completely at his mercy. I’m terrified, and yet, I know I need it. No more delays. Just do it. I’ve sold myself to Isaac so I would be forced to confront my fears. Now I just need to put on my big girl panties and face them.

Madam Lynn studies me for a long moment, her eyes soft and filled with concern. I feel like she sees and senses my emotions, but she’s not disturbed by them. If she were, she’d call the meeting. I realize she’s doing this because she feels I need this. She feels it will help me. After a moment, her eyes flicker over to Isaac before she nods and grabs the stack of papers, including the last one I signed and

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