Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,137

become glassy. She closes them tightly, and tears fall down her flushed face.


Chapter 16


I can’t stop shaking as I sit in a chair across from Madam Lynn and Isaac in her office. I can’t believe I actually went through with it. I still have the rush of endorphins running through my body from standing up there on the stage in front of everyone. I was vulnerable and alone.

My mind goes back to the auction as I try to still my trembling hands. The lights were blinding and I could hardly see, but I knew they were there, watching me. Assessing me. That brought back memories. I close my eyes, hating the flash of my dark past.

My skin pricks as I force myself to think about the present. About the auction and all the emotions that ran through my body. I almost fell over, my knees screaming at me to buckle, when the masked man began the bidding war with Isaac, giving me an order to submit to him. I was scared that he’d outbid Isaac and take me as his property just for revenge. Even worse, if the man with the half mask won, I feared he would be a horrible Master to me, punishing me unjustly for denying him in the first place. Although something tells me he wouldn’t be like that. The eyes behind his mask are full of sadness. It radiates from him in a way I relate to, yet something so different.

But I refused to obey him. He’s not my Master. And he never will be. I wouldn’t go through with the contract. I’d forfeit the money, my membership, I don’t care. Isaac is my only Master.

The sound of leather creaking as Isaac shifts in his seat brings my attention on his handsome face. He’s staring at me, the intensity of his eyes causing my skin to chill. He was here before I came in, waiting eagerly for my arrival. His eyes have never left my face since.

I can tell he’s anxious to just get this over with and take me home like he’s wanted to do for weeks. I can practically feel to the desire and excitement radiating from him. My eyes fall to the stack of papers laying in front of him. My contract. The rules are on top, written in large, black bold letters. I’m sure Isaac has memorized them all by now. I sure as fuck have.

My eyes are drawn to Madam Lynn as she says something else to Isaac. They’ve been talking for a while now, but I can barely breathe, let alone listen. There’s also a stack of papers in front of her, a few that I have yet to sign. Papers that say I’ll be consenting to a 24/7 power exchange. I suck in a deep breath, the realization of what this all means washing over me. There’s no turning back now. I’m his.

He’s a good Master. I know this. But it still does nothing to quell the fear I feel. Isaac’s taking me out of Club X. I tremble at the thought of losing my safety net and having to rely solely on him.

“And about her work?” Madam Lynn asks, her voice coming into focus. She’s been speaking on my behalf this entire time, and I’ve been too out of it to hear anything she’s said. Although when they look at me, I know to nod and agree.

Isaac keeps his eyes on me as he replies, “She will attend all social gatherings and predetermined functions as usual.”

Madam Lynn slowly nods her approval. “Christmas is in 10 days.”

“I’ll make sure she celebrates as usual,” Isaac says confidently.

Their words drone on in the background as they continue going over the contract and I find myself going back into a slight daze. I nod and answer yes as needed, my mind finding its way to my last Christmas. I’d gone home after New Year’s, thinking the attention of the holidays would have passed, only to find that my mother still had the Christmas tree up, waiting for me. Everything was still decorated.

She’d done it for me. Saved everything and made sure to give me a proper holiday. She’ll never know how much it hurt. I don’t want a holiday. I don’t want the life we had before. I don’t know why she doesn’t understand how much it hurts. Everything from before, the traditions she’s so eager to celebrate with me. They’re tainted and a part of my past, where I want

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