Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,139

rises from her seat. Without saying a word, she quietly leaves the room, leaving me alone with Isaac.

“Are you alright, kitten?” Isaac asks as soon as Madam Lynn is gone, his deep voice filled with concern.

“I’m scared, Isaac,” I admit after several moments of nervously biting my lower lip. I pause, my heart skipping a beat, hoping I didn’t already break a rule now that he’s officially my Master. “Can I even call you that anymore?”

To my relief, Isaac doesn’t look angry. “We’ll talk about the rules when we get home,” is all he says, looking like his mind is on other things.

I nod my head, my fingers unconsciously finding my neck, trailing my scars. “And a collar?” I dare ask, my body going tense. Just thinking about it is causing my stomach to twist with anxiety.

Isaac hesitates. “When you’re ready,” he says finally.

Shock causes me to suck in a surprised breath. I didn’t expect him to say that. At all.

“I know this is hard for you,” Isaac says, his deep voice filled with absolute confidence. “But don’t be afraid. I will care for all of your needs. You need not worry. Ever.”

God, his words sound so reassuring. So seductive, even.

I close my eyes, sucking in several calming breaths, telling myself I can do this. When I open them a moment later, I feel the faintest threads of determination thread through my chest as I breathe, “I’m ready,” praying I feel the same way tomorrow.

Chapter 17


I twist my hands on the leather steering wheel of my Porsche Carrera GT. It’s fucking freezing outside, but the heated seats and my nerves are making my back sweat. I look out of the window as we pull up to one of the last street lights before taking a private road to my home.

I take a glance at my kitten. She’s looking out of the window, twisting her fingers in her lap nervously. Her back is stick straight, and she looks like she’s not even breathing.

The first thing she’s going to do when we get home is drink. A large glass of sauvignon will do her well. I think I’ll make stuffed peppers to go with it. I’m going to need to occupy myself while she gets accustomed to her new role and new environment.

I didn’t imagine her taking it so hard. She’s completely changed before my eyes. The confidence is gone, and the sexual tension between us has vanished.

She’s scared, quiet. She hasn’t said a word other than yes. Her eyes are heavy with exhaustion and her face still flushed from crying.

The drive home has been silent, but I’m ready to change that. As much as I feel for her, I’m still excited. Adrenaline is pumping through my veins, filling me with an electric spark. I’ve waited so long for her, to have her here. I’m ready to show her what she’s truly capable of. And even more so, what I’m capable of.

“Do you like to cook?” I ask her. It’s been almost two weeks of seeing her every night. But I’ve barely learned much about her, other than her desires and a bit about her past. Of course I know much more than she’s told me. But the finer details, those are important and I need her to open up to me so I can learn them.

“I do, Master,” she answers softly. There’s a trace of fear in her voice.

“Are you good at it?” I cock a brow, giving her a humorous look as I slow the car at a stop sign. The hum of the engine vibrates up my back and fills the car with a quiet purr.

She opens her mouth and almost hesitates, but she quickly answers, “No.”

I let out an easy chuckle. “That’s more than alright, kitten.”

Her relief in my response is evident. “I enjoy cooking. I want you to help me though.”

“Yes, Master,” she says with a lighter voice than she’s had all day.

“We’re going to go over the rules and what’s required of you in the house while I make the sauce,” I say easily, pulling up to my house, the car jostling slightly as I drive up the driveway and wait for the garage to open.

I have a decent collection of cars. An expensive but carefully curated collection.

Katia sucks in a breath as she takes in my home.

It’s simple. I like simplicity, and the modern clean lines.

The house itself is very much like a cabin, except instead of stacks of logs there are large sheets of

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