Here to Stay - Adriana Herrera Page 0,46

the fuck knew?

This was so removed from my playbook, I could barely recognize it was me.

She put a hand up, that cheesy grin still on her lips, “Hey, I have a younger sister and it’s in their job description to make fun of us. Was that your niece?”

I nodded, not sure how much of the Sofia-and-Blue story to dump on her.

“Yeah, that was Blue.” She gave me a look and now I was the one grinning. “Yes, my sister named her child after Beyoncé’s. In her defense, Lemonade had just come out and Sofia was nineteen.” She widened her eyes at that. I felt compelled to defend my sister, but resisted. I had nothing to defend her for. I was proud of her. “Sofia had a rough time in her teens. My mom and dad are a mess. I barely came home while I was in college, and when I did, I rarely stayed more than a day. My way of coping was staying away as much as possible, and that meant that Sofia was on her own with those two for the better part of the last ten years. She was pretty messed up when she got pregnant with Blue, but she’s doing so much better now.” She opened her mouth and then closed it, before nodding.

“Sounds like she’s doing better and that you’re a big support for her.” The way she said it made me wonder if she was surprised. “Not everyone sticks by their family like that. Especially when you’ve had it rough. It’s pretty great that she can count on you.”

I looked out the window to the patio, not sure how much to share. This was not something I talked to many (or anyone, really) about. “I want to get us a small house in the suburbs. A place with a good school district, so Blue and Sofia can move in with me. I’ve been saving up, but house prices are ridiculous. I want to be there for her now, since I failed her before.”

Her expression grew pained, like something I’d said wounded her. “You didn’t fail her, Rocco. You were taking care of yourself. You were a kid too. The only people who failed in this picture are your parents. You’re a good brother. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

I couldn’t help the smile that appeared on my lips at how indignant she seemed to be on my behalf. I knew I should be making it clear that I knew I’d crossed a line. That the kiss had been a mistake. That there was too much at stake for her and me to play with both our futures, but when I opened my mouth, once again being with Julia made me forget who I was. “Aw, Julia, are you worried about me?”

She cut her eyes at me and crossed her arms under her breasts. I didn’t stare because I was really trying not to be a creep, but the woman’s entire body was designed to make my eyes stray.

“To be fair, I worry about people. It’s my Achilles’ heel.” That deflated the warm feelings a bit, which, of course, she noticed. “But in your case, how could I not feel for you?” She threw her hands up as if everything about me baffled her. “It’s hard to not like you, Rocco Quinn, and believe me, I’ve tried.”

“So you do have a soft spot for me.”

“Este pendejo.”

I locked my knees to keep from walking over to where she was. “You know I grew up in Corona. I do understand some Spanish.”

Her glare was withering but there was no stopping the grin on my face. “Whatever, I gotta go, it’s late.” I heard her muttering something that sounded a lot like “Lord, save me from blanquitos who think they speak Spanish.” This did not diminish my good mood. I grabbed my keys from the table by the door and stepped out into the hallway with her. This also did not amuse her, and I had to bite the inside of my cheek not to grin again at how cute she looked when she was trying hard to be pissed and failing.

“Where are you going? You live here. I’m the one that needs to go home.”

“I realize that. I was going to give you a ride.” She whirled on me so fast, I almost stumbled.

“Oh no. None of that chivalry shit. I am perfectly capable of walking the five blocks to my place.”

I was going to argue, but Copyright 2016 - 2024