Here to Stay - Adriana Herrera Page 0,45

name slid from her mouth like a command, and who was I to deny this woman what she wanted? I pressed my lips with my heart galloping in my chest. I’d thought about kissing Julia so many times since the moment I’d seen her. I’d thought about those generous lips, pressed to mine. But nothing would’ve prepared me for the real thing.

I nipped on her bottom lip as her arms came around my neck, bringing us closer. She was soft and warm and I knew even from this small taste that I could lose myself in this woman. I slid my tongue between her lips and she opened up to me with a gasp.

“Yes.” The noises she made, fuck I was hard as a rock and ready to plunder through every single one of my boundaries to get more of her. I was about to lick into her mouth, when my phone rang, shattering the moment.

Julia jumped back like my touch had shocked her and I instinctively held up my hands to let her know I was keeping them to myself. I grabbed my phone and looked at the screen before taking the call. It was Sofia. I realized it was seven, the time we usually talked on Sundays, and if I didn’t pick up she’d get worried. I answered, holding my finger up to Julia, who was looking decidedly uncomfortable. I hoped she didn’t just grab her bag and go before I had time to apologize.

“Hey, sis. How’s you?” A long tired sigh came over the line, and I braced myself for whatever litany of complaints about what my parents had been up to come over the line.

“Not much. Tired but I had the day off and I took Blue to the park while it’s still nice out.” I smiled, imagining Sofia and Blue having some time outside.

“That’s good. Did you take any photos?”

She chuckled and I heard Blue yelling my name. “Yeah, I’ll send them to you. She won’t take off those boots you sent her. Let me put her on, she wants to say hi.”

I looked up and saw that Julia was leaning against my breakfast counter, watching me as I rambled on the phone. I must’ve blushed because she waved me off and started gathering cleaning products and putting them back in their place.

My heart lurched when I heard Blue’s excited voice, and I felt proud of my sister and the happy little girl she was raising. Because no matter how fucked things were with my parents, her daughter had constant love and safety.

“Hey, love bug, how are you? Did you have fun at the park today?”

A resounding yes was her answer; she chattered for a while and soon my sister was back on the line. “Sorry, her attention span is like a mosquito’s.”

“Hey, so is mine. That kid is a genius.” I looked up and saw that Julia was already putting on her shoes. “Sis, let me call you back in a few. I have a friend over at the house right now and she looks like she needs to go.”

I was sure Julia heard my sister’s exaggerated yelp, and my face heated from embarrassment. “A lady friend? I need to know every single detail as soon as possible. Call me later!” She ended the call before I could say anything, and when I glanced over to where Julia was standing with her bag perched on her shoulder, she was grinning. I was so ready to see her shut down or tell me how I’d overstepped that it took me a moment to react.

“My sister gets a little overexcited at the idea of me having some friends.”

“It’s cute.” For a second, I was almost glad that my sister’s call interrupted us, because Julia’s smile looked genuine and it was a hell of a lot better than the awkward friendship-ending moment I feared we would have had after that kiss. I couldn’t believe I’d taken things that far, and what was even more mystifying was the knowledge that I would do it again in a heartbeat if I ever got the chance.

“Extra is what it is. She exaggerates. It’s not like I don’t have friends.”

She grinned and mouthed “riiight.”

“Hey, that’s pretty mean. I thought you were all about empathy?”

This time she did laugh. “Yeah, for my clients!”

“But my sister was just cruelly mocking me for my lack of friends.” I didn’t even know who I was trying to be right now. Was I flirting? Bantering? Who Copyright 2016 - 2024