Her Unexpected Admirer Page 0,58

the bed. Grabbing a pair of jeans and a sweater, he pulled them on. He was just about to race out the door, intent on finding her and bringing her right back to this suite so they could discuss whatever her reservations were, but his phone started ringing again. Thinking it was her, he stomped over to the bed and picked up the phone.

“Kate, where the hell are you?”

There was silence on the phone and he had a bad feeling that this wasn’t Kate. Looking at the ID, he cursed silently when he realized that it was his nephew Zane.

“Uncle D, are you okay?” the ten year old boy asked.

Davis ran a hand through his still-wet hair, not sure how to answer that question. “Hi there, kiddo. Sorry about that. I thought you were someone else.”

The boy laughed and Davis let out the breath he was holding. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell mom that you said ‘hell’ if you will come back here and give me some soccer tips.”

Davis laughed despite his anger over his missing lover. “It’s a deal.”

There was another pause and Zane showed his intelligence once more. “Uncle D, you sound strange. And since you thought I was someone called ‘Kate’, I’m guessing you’re involved with someone.”

Davis stuffed his feet into a pair of leather shoes, amazed that he’d been about to walk out the door in bare feet a few moments ago. “You’re right on target, buddy.”

“And since you’re obviously worried about Kate, she must be special.”

“Another zinger, my man. What else can you tell from this short conversation?”

Zane sighed. “Well, I could be completely off the mark here, but if she’s special, and she’s not there with you, she must be somewhere that you don’t know about. Am I right?”

Zane grabbed his wallet and stuffed it into his back pocket. His nephew was a bit too perceptive but he’d always been too smart for his years. “Yep. Where are you going with this?”

“I’m just thinking, if she’s missing and she’s special, why in the hell are you talking to me about soccer? Shouldn’t you be trying to find her?”

Davis stopped, stunned. “First of all, don’t cuss,” Davis said as he started moving again. “And secondly, how the hell did you get so smart?”

Zane laughed, once more showing his tender age. “If I’m so smart, how come Ella gets to do geometry and I’m still stuck doing stupid multiplication?”

Davis was racing down the stairwell, not bothering to wait for the elevator. “I’ll tell you what, as soon as I get Kate back, I’ll fly into New York and show you both soccer tricks as well as calculus. Deal?”

Zane shouted out a whoop of excitement. “Deal!” he said when he came back to the phone. “Oh, and I’ll see what I can do to help you from my end. What’s her last name?”

Davis had no idea how he was going to help, but he said, “Her name is Kate Evans,” he told his precocious nephew. “And she’s beautiful and smart and funny and when I find her, she’ll be your new aunt. I’ll let you know as soon as I get her back, okay?”

“Great. I’ll call you if I find anything to help.”

Davis stuck his phone back into his pocket and chuckled. The little guy was adorable and smart. He couldn’t wait to have kids himself. He actually hoped they had startling blue eyes, just like Kate’s.

He stopped by the doorman. “Have you seen the woman I was with yesterday? Did she come out this way?”

The doorman nodded quickly. “I got her a cab,” he said. “I heard her tell the doorman to take her to the airport.”

Davis cursed again, but shoved his way back into the hotel. “Thanks!” he called out to the doorman while grabbing his phone again. He hit the speed dial that would contact his pilot. “Mike. I need to be in the air as soon as possible. How fast can you get me a takeoff time?”

He listened for a moment then nodded. “Fine. I’ll be there in forty minutes. Just be ready to take off as soon as there is a window.” He called his driver and told him to get down to the front of the hotel immediately. A moment later, he had the hotel manager bowing his head as he said, “Just pack up everything and ship it to the address this woman will give you.” Davis handed the manager a card with his assistant’s direct line on the back.


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