Her Unexpected Admirer Page 0,57

jeans and a tee-shirt, scrambling to stuff the rest of her clothes into her suitcase around all of the paints she’d bought. In the end, she tossed some of the clothes out, but hesitated over all the shoes. She couldn’t leave the shoes. She loved her new shoes! They were so amazing and made her feel…on top of the world.

In the end, she took out more of her clothes and stuffed the shoes inside. She could buy more clothes. They were just cheap, unflattering clothes anyway. As she zipped up the suitcase and hauled it out the door, the thought occurred to her that she wasn’t going to replace those clothes. She’d always hated the stupid black suits that her father said were the only professional color to buy if she wanted to be in the accounting field.

Well, she didn’t want to be in the accounting world! She hated numbers, she hated the stuffy office her father had assigned to her and she hated everything about accounting.

She stopped cold and looked down. She also hated these shoes!

In the middle of the hotel lobby, she lowered her suitcase, unzipped the side and found the red pair. Slipping them on, she zipped up the case, stood up, took a deep breath and moved forward. Her suitcase was behind her, she was wearing jeans and high heels, a look her father would call “slutty” but she didn’t care.

“Could you get me a cab?” she asked the doorman.

He looked at her strangely, glanced behind her but then straightened. He obviously was looking for Davis and, since they’d been driving around in a chauffeured limousine for the past several days, he was understandably shocked to be asked to get a cab.

But he quickly adjusted and raised his hand, whistling down the street. A moment later, a cab pulled up to the curb and Kate dove into the backseat. “Airport, please,” she told the cab driver.

A split second later, the cab jerked forward, careening through the heavy, morning traffic. It was only a thirty minute drive and Kate took the time to try and figure out what she was doing, why she was doing it. But no good answers came to her.

“What airline?” the driver asked.

Kate stared at him blankly. She didn’t have a reservation so she had no idea which airline to take. “United, please,” she said, just naming the first one that came to mind.

When the cab driver pulled up outside of the United doorway, she paid him quickly, then stepped out onto the sidewalk. She had no clue what to do. She’d never traveled before taking the job with Davis, but she supposed she was going to learn how to do this. She stepped up to the ticket counter. “I’d like a one way ticket on the next flight to Boston, please.”

The ticket agent smiled and typed in something to her computer. “I have a flight leaving tonight at six o’clock which is non-stop.”

Kate cringed. She didn’t really want to spend the whole day here at the airport. Oh, why hadn’t she thought this through? Shaking her head, she said, “Are there any flights that leave sooner?”

Again, more clicking on the computer and the ticket agent said, “I can get you on a flight at twelve-thirty-five to Dallas. There is a connecting flight from Dallas to Washington, D.C. After that, there is the shuttle that would get you into Boston at five-thirty tonight.”

She thought about it for about five second before she nodded her head. “I’ll take it,” she told the agent.

Chapter 12

Davis came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his lean waist and another over his head while he dried his hair. “Okay, so explain to me why you have to leave. Because I really don’t get it.”

When there was just silence, he whipped the towel off of his head, looking around. Her clothes were still here, he noticed, but they were scattered over the floor. Kate was almost a neat freak and wouldn’t do that. His heart slammed against his chest as he grabbed her clothes. They still smelled like her and he would have laughed, simply because he was smelling her clothes. Who was the freak now?

His phone started ringing but he ignored it, opening the closet. When he didn’t see her suitcase right next to his, he became angry. The phone stopped ringing and he grabbed it, pressing the speed dial for Kate’s phone. When it just went to voice mail, he cursed and threw it onto

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