Her Unexpected Admirer Page 0,59

Mr. Alfieri,” the manager was saying, bowing again and again. “If there is anything else we can do to assist you, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

Davis ignored him, too intent on getting to the airport and beating Kate home.

His driver was breaking all the speed limits as he zoomed towards the airport when Davis’ phone rang. Looking at the caller, he almost ignored it when he saw that it was Zane again. But he pressed the button, not wanting to discourage him from calling. “What’s up?”

“Kate Evans is booked on a United flight going all over the country. She’ll finally land in Boston later tonight. I’ve sent the details to your e-mail.”

Davis looked down at his phone, just to make sure it was really Zane calling, his ten year old nephew. Lifting it back to his ear he said, “Zane, how exactly did you get this information?”

The boy laughed and Davis could picture him in front of his laptop, his face glowing from both the light from the screen as well as his excitement over his success. “It’s usually better that you don’t know these things, Uncle D,” Zane explained, reverting to his “older” self again.

Davis shook his head, making a mental note to speak with Adriana about her son’s hacking skills. But right now, he was just too grateful to have the little guy’s help. “Okay, well, thanks for the information.”

“You owe me soccer tips, Uncle D.”

“Will do. And now the odds that I’ll be able to bring Kate home so you can meet her have improved.”

“Sounds mushy.”

Davis laughed. “Oh, you just don’t know the half of it.”

“Well, just go get her,” Zane advised. “Call me if you need any other help.”

Davis clicked off and shook his head. There was no way he was going to go back to Zane for any help if the kid was going to break the law.

“I need to get to the United counter,” he told his driver.

The man nodded as he sped past several more cars.

Davis made one more phone call to a friend in Virginia who worked in the security industry. He explained what he needed, laughing when his friend teased him about rushing through the airport like a stereotypical romantic movie. Davis didn’t care what his friend said because he knew that he’d clear a path for him. “Thanks!” he said. “I owe you!”

His driver pulled up to the curb and Davis looked around, immediately spotting the airline agent. “Mr. Alfieri?” she asked.

Davis nodded his head. “Right this way, sir,” she told him and led him through some doors. When they emerged, Davis was in the airport terminal. “She’s waiting at gate C seventeen, sir. Her plane is not scheduled to depart for another two hours.”

“Thank you,” he said with a huge amount of relief. He walked down to the gate, his eyes scanning the restaurants and shops, thinking she might have gotten something to eat. She’d left early and hadn’t had any breakfast. But boy, when he finally found her, he was going to…Hell, he didn’t know what he was going to do. All he wanted was to find her at this point.

When he finally reached the gate area, he looked around, his eyes frantically searching the people milling through the airport. When he spotted the woman curled up on an uncomfortable looking chair, sipping coffee and staring at nothing in particular, his heart leapt. It was Kate!

He walked over to her, startling her when he bent down in front of her. “Why did you leave me?” he demanded.

He knew he’d said the wrong thing when her eyes widened but he couldn’t help it. He needed to understand. “I’m sorry, Kate. I didn’t mean to startle you, but it’s been a crazy morning.”

Kate looked at his rough jawline, amazed that he hadn’t even shaved yet. “How did you get here?” she asked, looking around as if someone was going to jump out and grab him.

“I have friends in high places,” he told her, thinking of his little nephew. “You’re running away and I need to understand why.”

She sobbed and he noticed that her eyes were red, so she’d been crying for a while. “Because I suddenly realized that you could hurt me much worse than my father’s insults ever could.”

He didn’t like those words. “And you think that I would?”

She sighed, wiping her tears away. “Not intentionally. But this thing between us, well, it can’t keep going.”

“Why not? Why does it have to end?”

Her lips compressed and he watched as

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