Her Unexpected Admirer Page 0,54

And in a way, she really was. With Davis’ help, she’d come out of her shell induced by her father’s harsh words. But once she threw off his insults, she was able to become her own person.

“Wow!” Davis whispered from behind her. “Yep. We’re definitely getting that set,” he said.

Kate swung around, shocked that he would be standing there in the open doorway. “You can’t be in here!” she gasped and tried to pull the door closed.

“I can’t?” His sexy smile grew slowly, blocking her efforts with his enormous body. “Then maybe you’d better just give me the tags for those and put your clothes back on. Because you’re walking out of here in that outfit.”

Kate was still covering her breasts with her hands, forgetting that there was much more to see down below. “Fine!” she snapped, “but you have to get out of here!”

He chuckled but relented. “I’ll meet you by the exit,” he told her but bent to kiss her again. This time, it wasn’t as gentle but he groaned before the kiss got out of control like it normally did. “Be quick,” he growled.

She smiled when she was once again alone. He’d taken the tags from her bra and underwear but, just to ensure that she followed his orders, he’d taken her cotton underwear with him as well.

She pulled her clothes back on, feeling decadent and sexier than she’d ever felt before, knowing that the pieces of underwear she was wearing were so thin and delicate. When she stepped out of the dressing room, she immediately found Davis. He was right where he said he would be but he was now holding a very large back with the boutique’s name on the side. “What have you done?” she demanded when she was close enough. The bag was too large for him to have purchased only a few other items.

He wrapped a strong arm around her waist and pulled her against him. “I’ve bought myself a present,” he told her, making her breathless with his look. “We have to get out of here,” he told her and grabbed her hand, pulling her out.

It took them less than five minutes to walk back to the hotel, another three to ride the elevator up to the suite. But once inside with the doors closed, Davis was no longer gentle. Nor did she want him to be. They were both ravenous, needing each other like never before. He tore off her clothes and tossed them aside, not bothering to be careful with her suit, especially since he intended to shred them once he’d bought her new ones. Davis was quickly discovering that he thoroughly enjoyed dressing Kate in pretty things. It was a huge joy to see her face light up when she discovered a new side to herself.

But once he had her clothes off, he stopped and looked down at her. She was wearing only the see-through bra and underwear and those high heeled black shoes and she looked…incredible!

“Damn!” he whispered reverently as his hands smoothed along her skin just above the fabric of her breast. Her nipple was already puckered, begging for his attention but he kept his fingers away, teasing and driving Kate crazy with the need that he’d been feeling ever since he’d seen her in this outfit in the dressing room.

A moment later, he slipped the strap off of her shoulder, letting the fabric float away from his prize. “Yes, this was definitely worth it.” His thumb and forefinger finally found her nipple and Kate moaned with increasing excitement as the pleasure shot right down to her stomach and lower, liquid heat pooling between her legs.

He twitched the other strap off of her shoulder, exposing both of her breasts to his hungry gaze. But while his fingers teased one nipple, his head bent lower so his mouth could taste her other, his teeth nipping ever so slightly until he heard her gasp.

Kate couldn’t take the teasing any longer. Her hands had been down at her sides but when his teeth came into play, she wrapped her arms around his head, keeping him there against her breasts while her eyes closed and her head fell backwards. “Davis!” she begged in a whispered plea.

Davis heard the need in her voice and responded to it by lifting her into his arms. Kate’s legs automatically wrapped around his waist and he carried her over to the dining room table, shoving the chairs out of the way.

Kate was too impatient. She

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