Her Unexpected Admirer Page 0,55

pulled his sweater over his head then ran her hands over his chest, absorbing his groan, reveling in the power she had over his body. When her hands moved lower, fumbling with his belt buckle, she couldn’t get it undone quickly enough. Davis had to take over. But he didn’t have the patience to even take off his pants or her underwear. He simply released his erection, rolled on protection, ripped off her lovely new underwear and dove into her hot, wet heat.

“Kate!” he growled as he held her legs, watching her expressions. He knew the exact moment when she was about to fall over and he helped her, shifting ever so slightly and watched with growing fascination as she screamed out with her climax. A moment later, he pounded into her soft body until he found his own release, always amazed at how it just got better and better with her.

When they could breathe again, Kate looked up into Davis’ eyes. “You ripped my new underwear,” she said with a mock accusation.

He smiled down at her. “I’m not sorry. If you hadn’t looked so incredible, you’d still be wearing them.”

She laughed and hugged his broad shoulders. “You’re incorrigible,” she replied back.

Davis adjusted his clothing quickly but then lifted her into his arms. “You have no idea,” he said as he carried her into the bedroom and started all over again.

Chapter 11

Kate rolled over, her eyes staring out the window at the beautiful city. She couldn’t believe that she was in San Francisco with Davis. The idea frightened her and thrilled her at the same time. After handing the data she’d discovered over to his lawyers, they’d left Seattle for the short flight to San Francisco. They’d spent the weekend together, just making love and eating. They went for walks, but those usually deteriorated into a make out session and they had to hurry back to the hotel to finish what they shouldn’t have started in public. She smiled, thinking of the incredible passion he could incite within her. It was scary how much he could control her with just a touch or even a look. As soon as he gave her that look, she was melting inside, too eager to do anything other than be in his arms.

Rolling onto her back, she looked at him. He was still asleep but, even relaxed, he had that look about him that told her he was fully in charge. And goodness, how he could command her body. And her mind.

That wasn’t good, was it? She’d just learned to get out from her father’s controlling tempers, was she being stupid to be with Davis?

Her heart was beating wildly at the scary thought. He could hurt her. Badly. He could crush her spirit worse than her father ever might have done. Her art, who she was deep inside, she’d hidden from him, afraid of what he might say about her art. It was too personal to share, even with the man she was sharing her body with.

Kate slipped out of bed, moving quietly to the bathroom. She turned on the shower and stepped under the warm spray, trying to calm herself down. Davis hadn’t done anything to try and control her, except in bed. She smiled as she remembered the way he’d tied her hands the other night, not letting her touch him at all. She shivered, thinking about how crazy he’d made her. Goodness, she couldn’t handle thoughts like that!

Taking a deep breath, she shampooed her hair and washed her body quickly because she started thinking about Davis and how he loved to wash her, his hands sliding along her skin with the scented shower gel, and then when he’d pushed her against the wall….it had been a long shower, she thought.

Shutting off the spray, she grabbed a towel and vigorously rubbed herself dry, refusing to let herself think about how Davis could dry her off with sensual intent. Goodness, she was too far gone. She had to get out of this if she wanted to survive.

Stepping out of the bathroom, a big, fluffy towel wrapped around her.

He was sitting up in bed, talking on the phone with the sheet barely covering the good parts of him. “Yes. No, it couldn’t have been ours, but thank you for calling.” He paused, nodding his head at whatever the other person was saying. “Yes. Thank you.”

He hung up and looked at her. “You can just take that towel off,” he said, his voice firm and

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