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wearing earlier tonight. She’d tried to fix the buttons but some of the material had torn away in her lust-filled haste. She’d done what she could, but it still didn’t look quite right. Kate had done her best, she told herself. That wasn’t always enough for her father, but she had no one to tell her how to fix the small tears, or even if they could be fixed. She’d try to bring the shirt to a tailor tomorrow. Maybe she could slip out of the office during her lunch break and get some professional help.

In the meantime, she tugged her jeans and tee-shirt off and slipped her arms into the sleeves of Davis’ shirt. Wrapped up in his shirt, his wonderful, masculine scent surrounding her, she curled up on top of the covers and was instantly asleep. It wasn’t the same as having his arms around her, but it was enough. It had to be enough.

Davis listened for a long time before he realized she was asleep. He wanted to go into her room and pull her into his arms. He hadn’t slept very well since their one night together and he suspected that tonight would be no different. He kept waking up, reaching out for her, wanting to make love to her in reality just as he’d been doing in his dreams.

So he didn’t feel any guilt when he walked into her bedroom. The light beside her bed was still on and he saw her in the bed, curled up with pillows all around her. And she was wearing his shirt.

He smiled down at her even while he turned off her light. Oh, little lady. You’ve sealed your fate now, he thought.

Bending lower, he kissed her gently, not wanting to startle her but needing just a touch. When she breathed out, he could have sworn he heard his name.

Chapter 8

Kate glared at him as he stepped out of the bedroom the following morning. She was sitting on the wide, stone balcony, trying to soothe her temper with the wonderful colors of the sunrise, but she was just too angry. Not even the glorious weather could ease her fury. She’d dreamt of him kissing her, then shoving her aside to bend down on a knee and profess his love to another woman. This “Ella” person was a stranger but Kate knew that she would hate her on sight. She just prayed Davis wouldn’t ever introduce her to this woman that he loved so deeply.

Davis pulled the towel around his neck, but left the ends hanging loosely. His only goal was to be with Kate right now. He’d overslept but still felt exhausted, probably because he’d tossed and turned, telling himself to storm into her bedroom and make love to her until she couldn’t argue with him any longer.

“Good morning,” he said as he lifted the silver pot to pour himself a cup of coffee.

Kate opened her mouth to say something, then shut it, trying to find a more diplomatic way of confronting him with his lying, cheating ways. But when she couldn’t think of a better way, she opened her mouth once more and just lit into him, moving closer and poking him in the middle of his chest with her finger.

“Who is ‘Ella’?” she demanded. But she didn’t give him a chance to answer the question. “And how could you love her and have sex with me? Good grief, you kissed me last night and then were on the phone with her, telling her how much you loved her! What kind of a man are you?” She put her coffee cup down but spun around to confront him again. “Exactly how long have you been in love with this ‘Ella’ woman anyway?”

Initially, Davis was so surprised by her outburst that he just stood there, looking down at her beautiful features, letting her poke his chest. It wasn’t like she was actually hurting him. But as her words sunk in, he started to laugh. He tried to stop himself, to smother his amusement, but she just looked too cute and sexy standing there berating him. And about his niece no less! Damn, she was hot! And showing him yet another indication of how much she felt for him.

Kate couldn’t believe it. She was practically shaking with her fury and he thought it was funny? “You’re laughing at me?” she gasped, pulling back, aghast at his rude behavior. “I can’t believe…”

He grabbed her hand so she couldn’t walk away but

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