Her Unexpected Admirer Page 0,41

men in his position would continue to rule the financial world well into their seventies or eighties but Damien had backed out of that world, preferring to spend more time with his wife, kids and grandkids. Oh, he still made obscene amounts of money in the market, but it was only a part time hobby now.

“So dunk them into the pool like we used to do to your boyfriends. That will cool them off pretty quickly.”

Adriana groaned. “Don’t remind me.” He heard her laugh and knew that her husband, Mitch Powell, had probably just come up and kissed her neck. He did that a lot. If Mitch weren’t such a good guy, Davis might have to hate him. As it was, Mitch was one of the best. Davis fully approved of Adriana’s choice in men. All her other boyfriends had backed down when confronted with four big brothers but Mitch wasn’t intimidated. In fact, he was one of the crowd now, more than willing to join in teasing his wife right along with her brothers. He also protected her too often in Davis’ opinion. And they disappeared from family functions at a disgusting rate. Davis wasn’t going to think about his sister and what she might be doing with her husband. They were married now with two kids. He’d forgive Mitch a lot because of those two kids.

“You’re coming to Julia’s birthday party, right?” Julia was the three year old daughter of their older brother Dylan. Dylan married the gentlest southern belle from New Orleans several years ago and they’ve been deliriously happy ever since. Sometimes it got nauseating watching his older siblings with their spouses. If it weren’t for the fact that they gave him nieces and nephews, he would harass them about it. But he had to admit that he’d never thought being an uncle could be so much fun. All three of them had him pretty much wrapped him around their little fingers. He could be the meanest, toughest guy when it came to business, but when Julia, Zane or Ella called him, he stopped what he was doing, too eager to help any of them.

“Yep,” he said, still hearing Mitch grumbling something in the background. “Next month. I’ll be there. And now I’m going to hang up because your husband is doing things to you that I won’t approve of so goodbye.” And he hung up before Adriana could protest or agree. He just didn’t want to know. Especially since that damn door was still closed and there were still strange sounds coming from inside.

Kate forced her hands to keep moving and block out the conversation outside of her bedroom. The paint soothed her; the colors were greens and reds, yellows and some blues, but not much. She wasn’t in a blue mood. She was in a red mood. And a green mood. She hadn’t meant to use those colors, but hearing Davis say “I love you Ella,” to someone on the phone had just made her mind explode with anger. She wanted to scream out at him, furious that he could kiss her, touch her and tease her with his body like he’d done, then get on the phone and tell another woman that he loved her.

She didn’t care! A wide swath of green traveled through the sky at the top of the canvas. There were planes and a sunset sky with darkness creeping in on one side. And gremlins. Oh yes, there were gremlins all over the canvas. Gremlins peeking out from behind a tree as well as in the water surrounded by tall grasses. They peeked out of the small house that should look warm and inviting, but because of the gremlin eyes peering around the corner, it looked ominous.

She would have laughed at the painting if she weren’t so angry.

By midnight, she couldn’t focus clearly any longer. She hadn’t been sleeping well the previous few nights. It was hard to sleep with Dylan so close by. So tonight, her lack of sleep was starting to catch up with her and not even her paints would help her stay awake to finish what she’d started.

Kate put the paints away, rinsed off her brushes and hid the almost finished canvas in the closet. It wasn’t like it would be damaged by clothes. She only had three black suits and they were pushed to one end of the closet.

Instead of putting on her nightshirt, she fingered the extremely large dress shirt that Davis had been

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