Her Unexpected Admirer Page 0,29

are you doing here?” she asked breathlessly.

His hooded eyes looked down at her, something strange in his blank expression. “I’m here to get you.”

She shook her head, not sure what to think. He pulled a couple of bills out of his wallet to cover their entire bar tab, then took her arm and started leading her away. “Sorry gentlemen, but Ms. Evans has a meeting with me for which she is late.”

Kate followed him, not really sure what to think. “Wait! My computer! It’s back by the table.”

Davis looked down at her and wanted to tell her to just forget the damn thing. He couldn’t believe how jealous he’d been when he’d received her text letting him know that she was in a bar. He’d found her last night in a bar and there was no way he was going to let her have a repeat of last night unless it was with him. In his bed. Completely naked.

Damn! He was losing control of his mind with this woman!

“I’ll get it.” He didn’t want her going back there for any reason. She might have been staring at her cell phone but the other men had been staring at her. Not just the ones at her table either.

This jealousy he was feeling was a new thing. And he really didn’t like it.

A moment later, he came back out to find her standing awkwardly on the street. But he liked that she was waiting for him. His temper was also soothed by the relief he saw in her eyes when he came back out. It was almost instantaneous and her mysterious blue eyes smiled up at him.

“I guess I need to find a place to stay for the night,” she said, biting her lip because she really was a novice traveler. Her father didn’t like to travel so they’d rarely gone on even a weekend trip. The only travel experience she had was her short trips home from college.

“You’re staying with me,” he grumbled and took her arm to lead her to the limousine parked illegally at the curb.

With his words, Kate felt both instant relief and a strange tension come over her. When they were in the back of the car together and driving down the crowded streets, she looked up at him. “But I have my own room, right?”

He looked at her carefully, noted the pink tinged cheeks and the sparkle in her blue eyes. She didn’t really want her own room. He could see that. But something was holding her back. Something important. And whatever it was, she’d ignored it last night and had let herself go.

“If you wish,” he finally replied. “But you’re having dinner with me.” He said that with finality and if she argued with him about that, he’d just ignore her. He suspected she might even be bringing the computer back to the hotel to do more work but he wasn’t going to allow that either. He was going to get her to talk to him. Even if it took another disgusting, pink martini. Davis almost shuddered at the idea but if it worked, he’d use it.

“We’re here,” he said and stepped out of the car. He turned around and extended his hand to help her out and when his hand wrapped around her soft, delicate one, he kept it.

Kate looked down at their hands, feeling strange all of a sudden. His hand was warm and comforting as they walked through the quiet lobby. She tried to ignore the giddy feeling his touch was producing inside of her, but she suspected it was written all over her face since people were turning to stare as they crossed the lobby floor.

Everything seemed so hushed! She’d always thought of the mid-west as having cowboys all over the area with big cowboy hats and horses. She looked around at the dark wood and intricate lighting, feeling deflated.

“Your room is ready, Mr. Alfieri,” the manager said as soon as Davis walked in. “Your luggage has already been delivered to your room and dinner will be served at the requested time.” The man bowed. Actually bowed!

“Thank you,” Davis replied, barely acknowledging the man as he took the offered keys and moved over to the elevators.

Kate felt horrible for the man and smiled her gratitude but the man was already bustling off to take care of something else.

In the elevators, she pulled her hand out of his and backed up against the other side of the small box. “You didn’t have

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