Her Unexpected Admirer Page 0,30

to be so rude to that man,” she told him, trying to find something, anything, to keep from throwing herself into his arms.

Davis knew exactly what she was doing and wasn’t going to allow it. But he was amused by her efforts. “Kate, the man’s deferential body language irritated me.” He watched with growing amusement as her ruffled feathers became even more ruffled.

“You shouldn’t treat someone like that,” she came right back.

Davis considered the best way to handle this. Moving across the elevator, he eliminated the space between them easily but didn’t touch her body. With his hands braced on either side of her head, he leaned down. “How should I treat a body?” he asked softly. “Should I be more gentle?” He saw her nostrils flare and her breathing increase. “Should I be kinder? I remember treating a very lovely body last night to a bit of toughness. I didn’t hear any complaints.”

Kate remembered that toughness. Flashes went through her mind and her stomach muscles tightened. She’d loved it when he’d become commanding and domineering last night and even a bit rough. He’d been out of control and she’d done it to him. In fact, when he’d lost control, so had she. Memories of how rough she’d gotten came back to her and she almost melted.

“You should…” she tried to think of something to say besides, “do it again”. Those words were so close and she wanted so badly to be held in his arms. He hadn’t been rough initially. Demanding, yes. Sensual? Oh my, the man was crazy sensual. She’d never thought of that word in terms of a male before. Chocolate was sensual. A good glass of wine, perhaps. But a man? Especially one as big and strong as Davis? No, that would not have been the adjective that she would attribute to him. Well, not before last night.

“We’re here,” he said but didn’t move. The elevator doors opened up and still he didn’t move.

“Where’s here?”

He smiled slightly. “Our abode for at least the next few nights.”

She waited, wondering if he would kiss her. She wanted him to kiss her so badly but she just couldn’t do it herself. She couldn’t allow herself to lean into him and take what she wanted. Her whole body ached with the need to feel him against her, to feel his lips against hers and to kiss him like there was no tomorrow, no accounting problem, no disapproving father.

“Do it,” he coaxed. Davis could see the need in her eyes and wanted her to make the first move. He wanted her to admit that they needed each other. His body was hard and aching for her, especially as he watched her lips soften, her eyes flare and every part of her body was almost leaning towards him.

“I can’t.”

He was silent, absorbing that statement for a long moment. “Why? Can you explain why?”

Kate licked her lips, staring at his and then pulling her gaze away. Ducking under his arms, she hurried out of the elevator. “It isn’t appropriate,” she sighed, standing in front of the locked door, shivering and trying very hard to pretend like there was nothing between them. No sexual tension, no desire and no need to bury her nose against his neck and guide his hands to her...

“Can you open the door?” she whispered. “I have a lot of work to do tonight.”

Davis opened the door with his key and let the door swing open for her. Watching her walk inside was both heaven and hell for Davis. He wanted to touch her so badly. Soon. He would figure out what was holding her back and eliminate that damn obstacle.

Chapter 6

Kate sighed as she pulled another file from the stack by her elbow. If only she could work her way through the evening. Last night had been horrible! She’d sat across from Davis at a beautiful, romantic table, sipping wine and shifting the food on her plate. She was too worked up to actually eat much of it. Davis had tried to get her to relax but she was just too tense, her mind coming up with too many inappropriate ideas. Like walking around the table and sitting in Davis’ lap so she could kiss him until he carried her away to his bedroom.

Her father’s phone call last night had been the show stopper. “You haven’t checked in with me,” he’s snapped. Kate remembered seeing Davis’ eyes narrow across the table as she tried to come up with a

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