Her Unexpected Admirer Page 0,28

there’s only a few of us and we usually get a table in the back of the bar area.” He shuffled his feet again for a moment. “Okay, well, then I guess we’ll see you over there in a few minutes. Whenever you’re ready. No rush.” A moment later, he was gone.

Kate smiled at the man, thinking he was sweet. But her next thought compared Davis’ tall, muscular body to Tom’s pale, shorter and much less muscular frame. Poor Tom, she thought. Then a moment later, she sighed and thought “poor Kate” since no man would ever measure up to Davis’ amazing physique.

She hurried through her last few issues to match up and, when she came to a logical stopping point, she shut down her laptop. Grabbing her purse and her computer, she walked out of the office. She felt a bit awkward with so much baggage coming into the bar, but at least she didn’t have her suitcase as well. Not that it was overly large. She didn’t have a big suitcase in the first place since she only traveled short distances and hadn’t ever had a need for a large suitcase.

She easily found Tom with two other guys sitting at a table towards the back of the bar. Smiling, she raised her hand awkwardly, relieved when Tom spotted her. “Hi! I wasn’t sure if you really were coming,” he said, taking her laptop back and carrying it to the table for her.

“I said I would come by,” she said, not sure what he meant.

Tom flushed and the other two guys looked down at their drinks. “Yeah, but you’re too gorgeous to be actually hanging out with the likes of us guys. We thought maybe you were just being nice and trying to get me out of your office.”

Kate stood there, stunned for a long moment before she laughed, thinking the guys were sweet in a very insecure way. Since she could relate, she felt much more comfortable with them. “Believe me, I’m thrilled that you invited me out for a drink. This looks like a fun place,” she said as she looked around, her hands under the table since she wasn’t exactly sure what else to do with them.

Tom pulled the chair from one of the other tables for her then asked her what she wanted to drink.

“Oh, just a glass of white wine is fine with me.” Kate thought of that watermelon martini that she had the previous night while at the bar with Davis and her mind cringed from the banal white wine. But she didn’t want to be a burden or order something too girly. Everyone else at the table had a beer in front of them so she stuck to the mundane.

“So what do you guys do for DA International?” she asked, trying to get the conversation moving.

The four of them discussed different things about accounting with Kate doing most of the listening. She sipped her white wine, but it was so much worse than the wine she’d shared with Davis last night at his hotel that it was hard to swallow.

Her cell phone buzzed and she looked down at the text, startled to find that it was from Davis. “Where are you?” A warm glow suffused her body, simply because he’d contacted her. Goodness, she was easy, she thought.

Kate wasn’t sure how he’d gotten her cell phone number but she immediately texted back, “Having a drink across the street.” She didn’t think anything of it and tried to hide her body’s instant reaction to even electronic communication. Her fingers were shaking and she tried to pretend like her breathing rate hadn’t increased. But it was hard.

“I’m coming to get you,” the next text read.

Kate stared at the words, not sure what to think about that. Why would he be coming to get her? Should she respond? She stared at the words, unaware of the hush that had come over the whole restaurant.

“Gentlemen,” Davis said in greeting to her table.

Kate jerked up, almost dropping her cell phone in surprise as she stared up at Davis. Goodness he looked magnificent! He was so tall and muscular. She’d been used to staring at the guys across the table from her and the difference between Tom and his friends compared to Davis was similar to looking at puppies wagging their tails and a full grown, ferocious wolf with fangs showing.

“Davis!” she gasped and gripped her phone, hoping he hadn’t seen her staring at it with worry. “What

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