The Healer's Hellion - Miranda Bridges Page 0,7

I channel my entire focus on strengthening and honing it so that I can expel it if necessary.

Braxton’s sword slices through the air, a continuous series of blurred movements that amazes me even as I struggle to follow it with my gaze. He extends his free hand toward one of the attackers and sends him flying across the room.

My mouth falls open as I realize that Braxton has the same powers that I do.

The remaining Yalat enclose him, and even though Braxton seems to be able to handle the attack, I can no longer sit back and watch. My brows gather as I concentrate with all my might, reveling in the power swirling within me. I lock my gaze onto the nearest Yalat and swing my palms in its direction, praying that I don’t hurt Braxton in my attempt to help.

My fingertips tingle with sensation, and I squint at my target, using instinct to guide me. The alien’s shout of fury as it struggles to move lets me know I’ve got him. I clench my fist, and the reptile’s body caves in on itself with a sickening crunch, silencing the creature’s yelling. When I open my hand, the destroyed Yalat falls to the ground like a crumpled piece of paper.

I stagger back, leaning against the wall as dizziness assaults me. My eyes slide closed, and I take deep breaths while trying to remain standing. It took a lot for me to use my power, but I don’t care. I want all the Yalat to die.

After I sweep the room with my gaze, noting Braxton has eliminated all but one of the enemies, a sigh of relief leaves me in a rush.

That is, until six more Yalat burst into the house.

Braxton makes a sweeping motion with his hand, propelling them back. But they quickly rally. He is fierce in his attacks, never slowing, never tiring. However, we are severely outnumbered.

The physician seems to recognize this fact. He surprises me by dropping his sword and extending his hands. I watch in amazement as the Yalat are frozen in place, clearly struggling to get free. With his back no longer facing me, I’m able to see the sweat gathering on Braxton’s forehead as he maintains his hold on them. Their screeches make it hard for me to think and cause the pounding in my head to magnify.

“Run!” he yells. “I will hold them off.”

I push away from the wall and raise my hands. “No.”

Braxton flicks a wrist, and one of the Yalat shrivels, crumpling in on itself before falling to the floor in a heap. “Don’t use your gift,” he says, his arms trembling. “You will burn out. It isn’t safe.”

I lower my hands, fully intent on heeding his warning until more Yalat storm into the house. Every fiber of my being goes on high alert as adrenaline shoots through my body. The power inside me, seemingly triggered by survival, pulses heavily within as I lift my arms over my head.

“No!” Braxton’s shout, accompanied by the Yalat’s thundering footsteps, is not enough to break my concentration. I close my eyes and pray that Braxton isn’t killed.

In a blast of power that steals my breath, I release everything I have. Liquid fire, mixed with a strange coolness, shoots through me before exiting my fingertips. Then there’s a loud roar before a series of shredding noises fills the room. My eyes fly open to witness the Yalat falling apart in slivers. It’s a glorious but gruesome sight.

Braxton rushes to me, blocking my view of the horror and gore laid out before me. He sweeps me into his arms as my legs buckle, and I stare up at him as he glares down at me. His eyes, once a brilliant blue, are now a beautiful obsidian. The twin pools of darkness are churning with anger as well as concern.

“You little fool,” he whispers, his hold on me tightening.

And then he’s sprinting from the house.

My head lolls against his chest, and my eyes flutter shut. I feel as if my limbs are coated in lead, so heavy and utterly useless, yet my heart pounds furiously in my chest as though I’ve been sprinting. A wave of exhaustion crashes into me, pulling me under, and my last thought is that Braxton may have been right about me.

I am an idiot.

A beeping noise bounces around in my head, waking me.

With a small groan, I force my eyes open and take in my surroundings. Immediately my gaze lands on Braxton Copyright 2016 - 2024