The Healer's Hellion - Miranda Bridges Page 0,6

to side. He stalks through each room, his steps soundless, his large frame tight with tension, yet the muscles in his arms don’t appear stiff. He reminds me of a panther in his black flight suit, stealthy and deadly.

When we’ve gone through every room without finding anyone, I’m not sure whether to be relieved or panicked. I guess it would be half and half at this point.

“They’ve most likely taken her to their ship or a gathering point,” Braxton finally says.

“Okay, let’s go, then.”

He shakes his head, making me frown. “I’m taking you to my ship. What you did to the Yalat is impossible for a human and needs to be analyzed.”

I halt in my tracks, my hands automatically landing on my hips. “Look here, mister. I’m not some science experiment for you to play with. My friend needs me, so either you’re going to help me get her back or you need to get out of my way.”

He cocks his head, his silver hair swaying gently. “Is that so?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely.” I will myself not to cry as the truth spills from my lips. “Camille is the only family I have left, and I can’t stand back and just watch her be taken away into a life of slavery.”

He takes a step closer to me, filling the air around me with his masculine energy. It rolls off him in waves, crashing into me. He doesn’t say anything, but he doesn’t have to. I dig my fingers into my hips to keep from retreating, and I lift my chin, staring straight into his brilliant gaze.

“You may be brave, but you are emotional and reckless,” he says. He takes another step, bringing the toe of his boot to press against my shoe, and his breath fans against my cheek. “If you truly want to help your friend, you will wait for my assistance or you will meet the same fate.”

My chest heaves with breaths as I struggle to keep from screaming in frustration. I know he’s right, but the idea of waiting or delaying Camille’s rescue is almost more than I can bear. I’m not the type of person to sit around with my thumb up my ass, but I’m not an idiot either. I don’t know how to wield a sword or shoot a gun, so my chances of success are slim to none.

“It seems as if I have no choice but to go with you,” I grit out.

“There is always a choice. Just as there is always a consequence for that choice.”

“So you’re a philosopher as well as a physician.” I blow out a puff of air, attempting to relieve myself of my ire. “Remind me not to ask you for any advice.”

His eyes crinkle at the corners, and I swear his lips twitch once, but it happens so fast I’m not sure I even saw anything to begin with. If he was amused, he hid it well.

Braxton straightens away from me and jerks his chin. “Let’s get to my ship and check you for injuries.”

I glance at him sideways. “And then we will come up with a plan for finding Camille?”

“Her along with the other human females held captive.”

“Good,” I say with a nod. “Any chance you have a weapon other than a sword that I could borrow?”

He meets my stare, and his gaze is practically glowing when he says, “If my suspicions are correct, you are a weapon.”

Chapter 3

My derisive laugh, brought on by Braxton’s comment, nearly chokes me as five Yalat surround us.

“I will keep you safe,” Braxton says, shoving me behind him. He backs up, placing me between himself and the nearest wall. The protective gesture is not lost on me but doesn’t stop me from leaning to the side in order to keep the aliens in my line of sight. My power flares to life, although it’s not as strong as before.

“Draviansss,” one of the Yalat says. “Give usss the female and we will let you live.”

Braxton doesn’t answer the demand, but I catch the slight stiffening of his shoulders. The nearest alien to our left wastes no time and attacks us, his spear jabbing at Braxton’s chest. He easily deflects with a single arc of his sword, sending the two pieces of the spear flying.

The reptile pulls a sword from its scabbard, its eyes burning with rage. “Ssseize him!”

As a single unit, the Yalat rush Braxton. I swallow the scream building in my throat and raise my hands as my power fizzles insides my veins. Copyright 2016 - 2024